Time: sharp or dull?

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The clock and the watch have been around for most of the last century. The punchclock for checking in and out of work has been around for at least sixty years. Time and motion study mavens have been around since the twenties, if you discount some experiments in France just after the revolution.

Why don't people have a better sense of time?

Why can't they take a watch with them when they leave the house?

Why do they demand instant service and then take ten minutes to

complete the transaction?

Why do they go to work and goof off and then go home and expect

the repair man to rebuild their air conditioner in fifteen minutes?

Why is their personal best give or take an hour and a half when

they are expected to be somewhere, but they manage to tape their

favorite programs without a second of unnecessary footage before or after the show?

Why do they remember the birthdays of everyone in the office,

but have no idea how long it takes for an order to make a turn-around

in their own department?

How do they manage to schedule their vacation every year early

enough to get in before everyone else, but they can't find the

time to delegate their workload until just before they leave?

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