The CAC Continuum
Created | Updated Jul 7, 2004

Fiction Weird Science
Kitchen Syncronicities
This week's CAC-C has two pieces that need no introductions but something has to be put on this page or it would look somewhat empty. So:

The Bill of Fare:
Hypatia revisited her past to tell a tale of forever and stupidity and Uncle Harvey.
John the Gardener revisited what was behind the behind to look at what might have been but for... well you need to read it to see but for what.
Two small but
beautifully formed entries:-
A2790119 by U200042
A84106 by U33262

Well? Were those good or what? By the way, the thread attached to the end of the tail revisited is worth the following of too .

This week's tales from the CAC Continuum were selected from behind the back of the Alternative Writing Workshop by Waz, while hitting the bottle with the hatstand in the UG bar.

The boilerplate:
And, finally, a warm thanks and a cold nose to those who have helped, offered help, almost but not quite assisted but haven't gotten in the way, and those with alien tracks on their foreheads and Groucho ashes in their breast pockets. We couldn't do it without you.The Committee for Alien Content(ment) salutes you!
This box of counterfeit Corgie Cars opened and played with by (tonsil revenge)!
The CAC Continuum Archive
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