The X-Philes - Allies
Created | Updated Sep 23, 2004

Part Two
Scene: The Present Day
John Doggett and Catherine are still sitting together on the sofa. Doggett is running his hands through his hair while Catherine rummages through the papers on the table. She finds a couple of large hard back diaries.
Catherine: 'Ah, I knew I'd put them in here. These are Nana's diaries - she left them with a solicitor here in Washington, I found instructions to retrieve them amongst all these papers. I suppose she thought it would be best to separate the evidence'
Doggett gets up and paces up and down.
Doggett: 'I can't believe someone was spying for the Russians at the bureau during the war. It's not possible! J Edgar Hoover had a pathological fear of Communists in the FBI'
Catherine: 'Well you've seen the transcripts. There was definitely a spy in the FBI in 1943. The spies at the British Embassy were confirmed as Donald McLean and Kim Philby in the fifties, it's common knowledge now.'
Catherine picks up the first diary and starts to flick.
Catherine: 'Maybe Nana identified him in her diary or maybe he's still alive and immune to prosecution. It has happened before.'
Doggett shoots her a filthy look. Catherine recoils.
Catherine: 'In England I mean, in the case of the Cambridge Spies, the fourth man. Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you.'
Doggetts face softens and sits back down.
Doggett: 'No I'm sorry. I know you're only trying to solve this but it's just a shock to find out that someone in your family has been sitting on a spy scandal for years. I mean, he never said a word. In sixty years he never told anyone - that's some secret to carry with you.'
Catherine: 'It's the same for me. The shock I had when I found out Nana's boss was Donald McLean! I mean, it's not every day you find out your grandmother worked for a member of Britain's best known spy ring. Not even at the end, when she rambled a bit, did she give anything away'
Doggett: 'So how did you find out? When this little lot was left to you? And why did she trust you? Why didn't she just leave it to my grandfather?'
Catherine looks Doggett straight in the eye.
Catherine: 'Are you interrogating me or accusing me of something?'
Doggett looks sheepish
Doggett: 'No of course not. It's... a force of habit. I'm an ex cop and now an FBI Agent.'
Catherine looks suprised and then understanding dawns.
Catherine: 'Ah that figures. The suspicion, the questions, the relentless going over facts, it makes sense now. Well I'm a historian so I suppose this kind of thing is my job. I work in the research department of the Imperial War Museum in London. I guess Nana thought if anyone could solve this it was me. Besides, I was always the inquisitive one as a child; the one who'd
look for photographs, old family documents, the one who'd press Nana for stories about America during the war, that kind of thing and now she's making good her promises that she'd tell me all about it.'
Doggett raises his eyebrows.
Doggett: 'Oh'
Catherine laughs.
Catherine: 'I'd always pester Nana to tell me all about the man she'd met during the war, and she always said 'one day when the time's right.'
Doggett smiles at her.
Doggett: 'So now what?'
Catherine picks up a diary and opens it.
Catherine: 'In the diary I guess... yes look 16th May 1943, the day after she met your grandfather.'
Doggett and Catherine lean back on the sofa and start to read the diary, tallying dates and times with the transcripts.
The scene dissolves again into black and white. This time it's the British Embassy the next morning. Rose shows her pass to the guard and walks through the door.
The British Embassy, Washington DC. 9.00am 16th May, 1943
Rose walks down a corridor. A small, red-haired woman runs to catch her up. As she comes into focus we see that she is the modern day Scully.
Woman 'Hey Rose wait up. Rose wait.'
Rose stops and waits for her friend to catch up.
Rose: 'Hello Diana, how are you?'
Diana: 'Fine. Never mind me, how did it go last night? What was he like? Was he good looking?'
Rose smiles and they carry on walking.
Diana: 'So come on, what was he like?'
Rose: 'He was nice.'
Diana: 'Are you going to see him again?'
Rose: 'I don't know, maybe'
Diana: 'So... soldier, sailor, marine or airman?'
Rose: 'None.'
Diana looks amazed.
Diana: 'What!! Do you mean he's not fighting in the war?'
Rose: 'No I don't mean that. I think he's (puts finger to lips) you know - he was very cagy when I asked him.'
Understanding dawns on Diana's face.
Diana: 'Oh!! I understand. Can't talk about it.'
A man walks up behind them, he is the modern day Krycek.
Man 'Can't talk about what? Last night's date, Rose, was it a disaster?'
Rose: 'Good Morning Alain. Yes, I can't talk about last night's date and no, it wasn't a disaster.'
Diana: 'Unlike your clothes Ratboy. What did you do, sleep in them?'
Alain looks uncomfortable
Alain: 'No I was working late, and I was in early this morning and don't call me Ratboy. I've got some work for you, Rose. It's fairly urgent if you don't mind getting on to it right away'
Diana rolls her eyes and smiles at Rose. Rose follows Alain. Alain closes the door and hands Rose some papers.
Alain: 'These need to be typed up by noon. I spent last night and this morning transcribing them and I do need them as soon as possible. It might mean working through lunch - I
hope you weren't planning to meet your new boyfriend.'
Rose: ( sighs) 'Jealousy is going to get you nowhere Alain. I turned you down because (crosses fingers behind back)... because... you're not my type and getting romantically involved with someone you work with can only lead to trouble.'
Alain looks disbelieving, Rose looks at the transcripts.
Rose: 'Hey these are all
in Russian.'
Alain: 'I know, security reasons. They're going straight to Mr McLean - he's going to send them to Mr
Philby at MI6.'
Rose looks at him suspiciously.
Rose: 'I don't have a Russian language typewriter.'
Alain: 'I've got one from the translation room, so could you get on please? Mr McLean wants them by noon.'
Rose: 'Do you want a copy?'
Alain: 'No, not this time.'
Rose is worried. She sits at her desk and slips two sheets of paper and carbon paper into her typewriter and starts to type...