Created | Updated Dec 19, 2003

If you would like to have an Announcement displayed on this page, please note the submission e-mail address for Announcements, at the bottom of the page.
Upcoming and Proposed Meets
Christmas 2003 London Meet
The London Christmas meet will be taking place on 10th January, 2004. The afternoon events kick off at 2pm with a trip round the Science museum (people will be meeting up in the Museum café - ground floor, next to the Mill Engine) or sitting it out at the Shakespeares Head public house in High Holborn. The evening will, once again, be spent in the Penderel's Oak pub with the traditional quiz provided by Master B. There are 55 definites and 20 possibles signed up so far. More details can be found on The Unofficial h2g2 Christmas Party 2003 page.
Oxford Meet 2004
The dates proposed for the second Oxford Meet are either 14th or 21st February, 2004. Please visit the Oxford Meet :: Spring Edition page to express your preference and sign up.
The purpose of this Entry is to provide a Zone for Researchers to inform each other of their free time and movements so that they can hopefully find out when and where all or some of them can meet up in the future with the minimum of inconvenience to enjoy each other's company out there in the real world.
Yes, it's December again, and we all know what that means- meaningless awards! No, it's not the Emmys (good guess though), it's the First Annual Thingite Awards! Those crazy people who brought you new names for the days of the week are out to defy reason again by hosting their own award show. Nominate what you think is the best posting (in a certain category) on h2g2 (no other DNA sites, please and thank you) or even create your own category! Nominations end around Dontbry the 28th of December, so don't delay!
We Didn't Start The Fire is a new project (inspired by the Billy Joel song of the same name) to compile and create Guide Entries relating to the events listed in the song. Many writers are needed, so if you can help out in any way, Master B would surely appreciate it!
Are things getting you down? Are you just drifting through life? If so, visit the Generic Psyche-me-up Forum run by Marvin the Paranoid Android. This is a place where people who are feeling low on motivation can get fired up with positive affirmations from others. Go, go, go!
Star Trek - The Project
A collective community project for anyone to contribute to, discuss or expand. Bolding going is atlantic_cable
New Clubs
Toot Talkers - The h2g2 Robert Rankin Fan Club
Although it's still undercontruction, we're looking for new members so that we, the current membership, can have lots of conversations involving , sprouts, the rakish angle of our fedoras, the trans-perabulation of psuedo-cosmic-anti-matter and all manner of toot and maybe even Robert himself. Stealth, the founder of this club, is more than willing to let you, the avid Rankin fan, join!
The H2G2 Tolkien Book And Film Society!
A place for fans of the books and films to come and chat and discuss Tolkiens worlds. Join Asmodaidark and the Fellowship!
h2g2 Guild of Bounty Hunters
The ideal society for someone who wants to end crime and injustice, get lots of money, see the galaxy, put special abilities and magickal (sic) powers to good use, generally look cool, and/or a variety of other things. Hussassan may well Dr Anthea in his sights!
Assassins Guild
A guild full of those high class cut throats and back stabbers that you hope you don't run into on a street corner in a dark night... open to all new members and contracts. Dr Anthea will be happy to give you a quote.
The h2g2 Fools' Guild
The Guild for Fools across h2g2 to unite in silliness, foolery, and observation of the Bouncy Normo Memorial Fridge. In no way affiliated with the h2g2 'slooF Guild, which doesn't exist. Chief of fools: Joe C
The h2g2 RPG Club
This club is an attempt to gather those of us who are interested in playing RPGs, whether it's on PC or game consoles, live or with pen and paper and dice. Why? To exchange experiences, discuss with like-minded, or maybe get some help with a game we are playing right now. Visit the page or quest for Titania
The Guide to Being Groovy
This is a free guide for anyone who wants to have fun, be cool, feel young and be groovy! Groovy researcher Dozdim145651 will be pleased to help you in this endeavour.
The Myth of 42
The Quest to find true researchers led by Argon0
The h2g2 Dave Gorman Appreciation Club, Society, Fannish Thing
A society for fans of the comedian Dave Gorman and all his works. And we may (lightly) consider his friend and ex-flatmate Danny Wallace, too. Researcher Geggs presiding over the proceedings.
The Post Links Page points you towards the best of h2g2. Everything from information and campaigns to eating and drinking venues, virtual lands or clubs.
The Post Archives are a repository for all things Post related. Divided into easy-to-use categories, they get bigger at a frightening pace. Well worth a visit, whether to re-read a favourite article or catch up on something you missed.
All entries for this feature should be mailed to [email protected]