h2g2 Guild of Bounty Hunters
Created | Updated Jan 18, 2005
Welcome to the h2g2 Guild Of Bounty Hunters. Are you looking for adventure, fun, danger, or excitement? Are you a rich pretty boy in need of a hobby? Do you want to end crime and injustice? Is 42 the Ultimate answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything? Do you find standard law enforcement too slow, bureaucratic, and/or unreliable? Do you have powerful magick, excellent physical powers, a cool spaceship, or mutant abilities going to waste that you want to put to good use? Should Thursday be renamed Thing? Do you have a cool nickname? Do you need some extra cash? Do you know a lot of races? Do you want your name to go down in history as a very adventurous and cool soul? Do you like animé? If the answer to any of these questions is Yes, then you are ideal material for the h2g2 Guild of Bounty Hunters.
<BR/> Name:<BR/> Species:
<BR/> Normal Fee:
<BR/> Spaceship:
<BR/> Magick Powers:
<BR/> Other Details I should be aware of:<BR/> Name of Bounty Head
<BR/> Value of Bounty:
<BR/> Wanted By:
<BR/> Crime:
<BR/> Danger Assessment:
If it is you who wants them, please write your own name instead of sayin 'me' or something.
So what exactly do Bounty Hunters do?
Every so often, someone decides someone else should be, , restrained * and a bounty will be posted on their heads, which will typically be higher if the subject of the bounty is brought in alive (though in some cases the bounty is equal, in cases of extreme danger and power, the bounty may be higher if the bounty head is brought in dead). Bounties are normally posted by law enforcers and despotic rulers.
In some cases, the bounty poster may request a specific bounty hunter. In this instance, most bounty hunters charge a standard fee which is extremely flexible, provided the final price s higher. Under these circumstances, the poster will typically pay all expenses as well as the initial agreed sum for the hunter's service.
In any case, haggling is encouraged when you bring your bounty head in - just don't try to piss your employer off too much or you may wind up with a bounty on your head. We also have a non-aggression pact with Mercenaries Inc. We don't tread on their toes and they don't tread on ours. Just don't piss them off or there'll be hell to pay.
So why should I join the guild?
Protection in case of a bounty on your head, unless it is judged to be sufficiently high.
Discounts at the black market.
Free service of all special items.
A free lawyer in case you end up in court.
A free bounty hunter t-shirt
We are allied to the Guild of Assassins
Good news! We are now allied to the Thingites
Our latest alliance is with the Guild of Theives. All Bounty Hunters are exempt from theiving but are expected to give priority to bounties on unliscenced theives.
A word on spaceships
While there are no official rules for what spaceship you may have, be aware the large, tough, heavily armed capital ships need huge crews and cost a lot of money to maintain. Fighters do not have this problem, but have difficulty taking on fleets. For this reason, most bounty hunters tend to go for the more manageable transport sized craft; quick, manoeuvrable, tough, well armed, and very fast. Good examples are the Slave1 and the Millennium Falcon, though the second was never used for bounty search.
Current Bounty Heads
Prices given are in Altairian dollars. $1 Altairian is equal to 2.5 Standard Galactic Credits, 4 Flainian Pobble Beads * ,0.1 Triganic Pus, 1.5 Wong, 300 Wulong, 1 mg cocaine, 1 minute of sex, 20 sea shells, €0.8, $5 US, and 1/2 a Gold Piece.
Supreme Overlord Schimrra and Commander Shedao Shai:
race - Yuuzhan Vong,
crime - tyranny,
bounty - $1,000,000 (alive), $1,500,000 (dead). Extra payable if brought in together.
Wanted by: UII law enforcers.
Danger assessment: Very high
System Lord Shal'pek:
race - Gou'uld,
crime - tyranny,
bounty - $600,000 (alive), $200,000 (dead).
Wanted by: Tok'ra high council.
Danger assessment: Very High
Simon Cowel:
race - human,
crime - being a pop star and generally annoying,
bounty - $20,000 (alive), $10,000 (dead).
Wanted by: the h2g2 Spy Society, especially Reefgirl.
Danger assessemnt: very low
The Emperor: Race - Jedi,
crime - unknown,
bounty - twice that of Shadao Shai.
Wanted by: the Yuuzhan Vong.
danger assessemnt - high.
Name of Bounty Head: Any and all Eldar Pyskers
Value of Bounty: $10,000 up to $1,000,000,000 alive ($0 Dead) depending on the power of the Psyker
Wanted By: The Necrons
Crime: Being the only ones likely to destroy the Necron race
Danger Assessment: Depends on which side you're on. If confronted, they range from very low to completely lethal
Note: It is prefered that the assasin knows of the game "Warhammer 40,000" and has some idea of the background.
Name of Bounty Head: WEREKITTY
Value of Bounty: 30,000,000
Wanted By: Kleopatra
Crime: being in the Terranic Army
Danger Assessment: shes a werecat.. bewere
Name of Bounty Head: reefgirl
Value of Bounty: 30,000,000
Wanted By: Kleopatra
Crime: being in the Terranic Army
Danger Assessment: high probability of rape
Name of Bounty Head: Jodan
Value of Bounty: 25,000,000
Wanted By: Kleopatra
Crime: traitor to the Thingite cause
Danger Assessment: nil
Name of Bounty Head - Kleopatra (again)
Value of Bounty: $60,000
Wanted By: Jodan
Crime: She said I wasn't dangerous
Danger Assessment: She'll probably hire a bounty hunter to kill the bounty hunters...
Name of Bounty Head: spook
Value of Bounty: 25,000,000
Wanted By: Kleopatra
Crime: Betrayal of the Thingites
Danger Assessment: nil
Name of Bounty Head: rimmer
Value of Bounty: 25,000,000
Wanted By: Kleopatra
Crime: Betrayal of the Thingites
Danger Assessment: nil
Name of Bounty Head: creachy
Value of Bounty: 25,000,000
Wanted By: Kleopatra
Crime: Betrayal of the Thingites
Danger Assessment: nil
Name of Bounty Head: cece
Value of Bounty: 1,000
Wanted By: Kleopatra
Crime: absence
Danger Assessment: nil
notes: [she gave me permission to put a bounty on her!]
Name of Bounty Head: Kleopatra
Value of Bounty:$2G
Wanted By:The Tooth and claw regiment
Crime:Being a twit a putting to many bounties out
Danger Assessment: not sure, but she is a bounty hunter
Name of Bounty Head: kleopatra
Value of Bounty: 3500
Wanted By: The Assassins guild
Crime: slander
Danger Assessment: medium
Name of Bounty Head: Mystrunner
Value of Bounty: $$60,000,000,000
Wanted By: The man who is willing to pay $$60,000,000,000. That can buy a lot of no questions.
Crime: The slaughter of countless hundreds.
Danger Assessment: High. Adept swordsman.
Name of Bounty Head Vincent Dolack
Value of Bounty: 1450 american dollars
Wanted By:Ron Foster
Crime:Rape Murder terrorism
Danger Assessment:very dangerous
Name of Bounty Head:Selkie
Value of Bounty:$150,000
Wanted By:KGB
Crime:Slagging off the KGB
Danger Assessment:Very low
Name of Bounty Head: Isross
Value of Bounty: $100000 and a
Wanted By: Don't ask questions
Crime: Heresy
Danger Assessment: Medium. beware, he'll try to play like he's powerful but it's probably a bluff.
Name of Bounty Head: Any and all Vogons
Value of Bounty: $10,000 per head, $25,00 for a leader
Wanted By: The Alliance of people whose planets have been destroyed in the name of 'progress'
Crime: Destroying planets, being cruel, crude, annoying, bureaucratic, and not lifting a finger to save their grandmothers from the ravenous bugblatter beats of Traal.
Danger Assessment: semi-high
Current Bounty Hunters
Species: Human Cyborg (werescorpion)
Normal Fee: $2000
Spaceship: Outlaw Star
Magick Powers: Telekinesis, Telepyrosis
Other Details: Founder
Species: Humanoid, all you need too know
Ship: The SoulDagger
Powers: Superhuman strength and speed
Name: Anthea
Species: genetic remodification
Powers: general magic, shapeshifting and translation,
Ship: Jet Silver
Species: You don't really neeed to know
Normal Fee: changable (depends on my mood).
Have a neat little space ship with a cool cloak. (If you want one I will tell you were you can buy it)
Name:Lt. Lawrence Altamira Motley
Species:Human, to a certain extent
Normal Fee:$400,000
Spaceship:HMS Retribution
Magick Powers:The power of Cryptography
Other Details I should be aware of:Member of Societas Eruditorum
Normal Fee: 2000
Spaceship: anything
Magick Powers: ability to sneak around with out being seen or heard even in broad daylight with no cover.
Other Details I should be aware of: Good with just about any weapon, except for sniper-rifles
Species: Elf
Normal Fee: 2,000
Spaceship: Spider Killer
Magick Powers: none
Other Details I should be aware of: favorite enemy? Were-animals {will be willing to work for half of my regular fee for such cases}
Normal Fee:$150,000,000
Magick Powers:Dark side force powers
Other Details I should be aware of:The Infiltrator has a cloaking device.
Species: Half-Elven (Wereangel)
Normal Fee: 28,000 GP
Spaceship: Excalibur
Magick Powers: A smidge of Telekinisis, a smattering of time-bending.
Other Details I should be aware of: An assassin as the main job, I'm very adept at the dead part of Dead or Alive. Stylish in black, ask about special rates on poisons
U236130 (Click here for more info)
Species: Drow/ werehydra
Normal Fee: More.
Spaceship: The Phantom
Magick Powers: Telekinesis, magical swords, invisibility, were-ness (immune to normal bullets, need silver)
Other Details I should be aware of: Expert swordsman, some matrix-style kung-fu, good archer, assassin, THINGite
Species: Human
Normal Fee: £0-£100,000
Spaceship: I prefer a bus
Magick Powers: Own style of martial arts
Other Details I should be aware of: Is a freelance hitman/bounty hunter and also works for the assassins guild
Name:John Carrigan
Species: enhanced human.
Normal Fee:$15000
Spaceship: Pride of War.
Magick Powers:
Other Details I Should Be Aware of: super strenth from muculature enhancement. cyborg targeting system makes it so I almost never miss.
Species: Human/Weremullet
Normal Fee: $1750
Spaceship: Kalium
Magick Powers:Shapeshifting. Into a fish. Not too impressive really.
Other Details I should be aware of: None you want to know about.
Species: Human
Normal Fee: 2500
Spaceship: The Fastaintit 7000
Magick Powers: none except for bein' one cruel muther
Other Details I should be aware of: rather rough with the target but if ya have to have him alive [sigh] i can manage. likes guns
Normal Fee: expenses (I take pleasure in my work)
Spaceship: commercial cruiseliner
Magick Powers: The ability to influence people to adapting my point of view.
Other Details I should be aware of: specialize in cohersion, inquest, and tracking
Name: alex
Species: human
Normal Fee: cheep
Spaceship: Phoenix Light Freighter with fighter in tow
Magick Powers: none
Other Details I should be aware of: expert mobile suit mech and fighter pilot, excellent marksmen,3rd degre black belt
Name: Damien Yukai
Species: Half-Elf, Half Human
Normal Fee: Depends on who's asking (Women get half off!)
Spaceship:"The SoulDagger"
Magick Powers: I'm a decent sorceror, f I say so myself, plus my scythe is a Hellfire blade
Other Details I should be aware of: I killed Kiro, I mearly intend to take his place.
Name: U236278
Species: Human
Normal Fee: More. No questions.
Spaceship: A1937522 (not there yet, I'm working on that page)
Magick Powers: A1937522
Other Details I should be aware of: A1937522
Name: U210828
Species: Wood Elf/Vampire (wicked combo)
Normal Fee: $15,000 credits
Spaceship: Tallgeese IV,
Magick Powers: Speed Buff, one with nature, necromancy
Other Details I should be aware of: UMMM, I normally work alone but if im with someone its normally ill in charge...(good leader),
Occasionally ill go out and find some food (aka blood)
Species:Homo Sapien
Normal Fee:5000 dollars per heart
Magick Powers:Freezing time, Moving objects, Flying
Other Details I should be aware of:Dustmite infection
Name: :U565352
Species: Bio Mechaniod (Originally Human)
Normal Fee: Ask and See
Spaceship: See My Personal Space
Magick Powers: simple stuff, mechanical limbs re-grow
Other Details I should be aware of: Speed, Accuracy and Thought like a lifeform, yet all the power of a machine
Name: U236276
Species: Human
Normal Fee: More. No questions.
Spaceship: (not there yet, I'm working on that page)
Magick Powers: ... spells.
Other Details I should be aware of: A2111617.
Name: U576757
Species: Human, female.
Normal Fee: A pound of flesh taken from closest the heart or 100 platinum coins, whichever is easier to obtain.
Spaceship: None, as a sorceress I have other means of conveying myself from point to point.
Magick Powers: Various...I specialise in the Dark Arts, Demonology, Divination and Elemental Magick.
Other Details I should be aware of: Does being cursed to serve a demon prince and subsequently turning against and controlling him count?
Name: U1149902
Species: Quad horn fire dragons
Normal Fee:200 zenatons
Spaceship: Deathcruiser 500
Magick Powers: Mind controling powers
Other Details I should be aware of: I like chocolate*
Normal Fee:£500 - £1000
Spaceship:a flying cheese
Magick Powers:able to morph myself into things and also able to morph living things and objects into anything
Other Details I should be aware of:i like my sleep, i can morph into anything even a piece of cheese