"The Souldagger"

2 Conversations

History: The Souldagger was orignally designed as a a raider and destroyer for the Space Pirates, but was stolen by Kiro Yukai as a way off Tallon IV when he was captured by pirates.

Specs: length: 350 meters long
weight: 6.5 million metric tons
crew: 20, mostly human

Weapons: Tsix Gattling Beam cannons
two High Strength Plasma Cannons
Grappler Arms
A squad of three serpent-class mobile suits
Six missle packs, loaded with each of each of the following types- standard photon, mini-bomb cluster, and Graviton High Impact

Armor: Gundanium Alloy Hull

Power: Three Fusion Reactors and a bio-resperatory system for atmospheric flight

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