A Tale of Two Identities: Z.Z or Midnight

Well, here I am making a new page for you poor sods to read in the event you're struck down with terminal boredom - as you would be if in the vicinity of Heathrow's Terminal 4, or forced to watch yet another exciting episode of The Teletubbies - or if you simply have nothing better to do.
Anyway, who am I? Well,Z.Z or Midnight will do just fine.
The obligatory "About Me" bit:
I'm female, yes I'm slightly weird (I prefer the term 'individual') and yes, unfortunately I am spoken for tough break lads, spoken for and happily engaged to be wed. Other half lives and works over in snow-bound N.S Canada. Oh, and I live in Birmingham, England.So, what do I do? I write for a well known IT magazine, I do a lot of stage shows, run a website or 3, spend my free time fuelling my Mini obsession, draw, play guitar, look after my lizard, snakes & budgies and play a LOT of games...Neverwinter, Legacy of Kain, Worms, Mortal Kombat. The list goes on.
Midnight's Realm - My Home on The Web

Now, onto Mini's...I am a fan (near-obsessive) of the classic Issigonis Austin, Austin-Rover, Rover Mini's circa '59 - 2002 and happen to be in process of restoring a rare black Quant Designer limited edition whose name is Monty. BMW Mini's are not Mini's they're BMWs!! Please, a Mini is British, BMW is not British and, suffice it to say, BMW Mini's are therefore NOT British and subesequently NOT Mini's. Or that's what I say about them anyway.

I also collect medieval weaponry - read Swords - large ones, small ones, fancy ones, plain ones, daggers, knives and ceremonial pieces. I love Shakespeare and am known to throw random quotes into things and to top that off I have a library of over 400 books. Now, let's talk authors? Well, Eddings, Donaldson, Weiss-Hickman, Salvatore..to name but a few. Yep, it's high fantasy all the way. I really do hate the real world, it's such a boring place. I also write high fantasy/goth fantasy which can be found on my site and run an RPG - want to join? Head to my site!
Other things I'm into:
- Star Trek
- Marvel Comics
- Transformers G1
- Chinese & Italian Food
- Computers
- Music
If there's anything else you need to know, ask!
Fare thee well!

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Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z)
Researcher U576757
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