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Tacysa Started conversation Mar 13, 2004
Entry: Z.Z's Guide to Bearded Dragons - A2347607
Author: ZubZubZing - U576757
Submitter: Tacysa: Is 91 soluble in water? - U228615
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Tacysa Posted Mar 15, 2004
Thought it needed a kick! It really is a good entry.
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Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z) Posted Mar 15, 2004
Online at the same time - that's a good 'un
Shame I can't get it into has serious issues with the listing tags. It's insistent I should close with one even though there isn't a list in the end of the article! When I do try playing it's game and adding the requisite tags it's still adamant they're wrong. *Shrugs*
Weirdness...anyway, guess I'd best do some 'work' LOL!
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Tacysa Posted Mar 15, 2004
Nice trick. I had a temper tantrum so I'm home early today.
It's rather devilish and I used breaks for EVERYTHING my first article. Great fun, really, until the editor laughed at me. I suggest that you go to an 'A' site and type in test so you can get the code for that page. What I mean by that is that the link will have 'A948379687306398' at the end and you just type in 'test'. Hmm, thinking, here. Go to the Monty Python page and try it. It works.
Work? *gasp* That'd be too much for my little heart.
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Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z) Posted Mar 15, 2004
Done that, I've already got one page in GML...that worked fine. This one just won't play the game at all. God, why can't the just let us code in HTML? It's so much easier to work with!
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Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z) Posted Mar 15, 2004
Incidentally if you have ICQ I'm on 45411751...or will be in about another 5 hours time. Got another hour & half to go before hometime!
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Tacysa Posted Mar 15, 2004
If we coded in HTML then everyone could do it, 'member? Gotta be different... As for the ICQ, I shall have to look into it. I have looked into it, and, as it has an incredibly short DL time, I will probably be harassing you later today!
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