A Conversation for The Australian Bearded Dragon Guide

Peer Review: A2347607 - Z.Z's Guide to Bearded Dragons

Post 1


Entry: Z.Z's Guide to Bearded Dragons - A2347607
Author: ZubZubZing - U576757

I'm just giving this article a kick in a direction, here. Z.Z., you might want to go to the GuideML clinic and put in headers and the like since that is what has always been suggested to me. It makes everything look neat and easier to read. Very well put together entry! Stacy.

A2347607 - Z.Z's Guide to Bearded Dragons

Post 2


Hello smiley - smiley

Great entry smiley - ok It flows really well and reads easily.

However, the author's note isn't house style and should come out. Guide entries should be in the third person, so you can refer to 'the researcher' instead of 'I'.

I suggest you read the writing guidelines on A53209 and the guide to GuideML to get the format right on A264520 and use those to get this entry into shape.

Once you've done that, you're onto a winner here smiley - biggrin I'll come back and comment on the content once you let us know that you've done the format

smiley - cheers
Frenchbeansmiley - star

A2347607 - Z.Z's Guide to Bearded Dragons

Post 3

McKay The Disorganised

I agree - this is good, but the commercial links will have to come out, and a couple of the others don't work.

smiley - cider

A2347607 - Z.Z's Guide to Bearded Dragons

Post 4


Oh, and I suggest the title changes to 'Bearded Dragons' or 'A Guide (or An Introduction) to Bearded Dragons' Some such.

smiley - cheers

A2347607 - Z.Z's Guide to Bearded Dragons

Post 5

Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z)

Thx for the crits, all noted.

The dead link, most likey my dragon's homepage, is dead due to the site being returned to the drawing board stage, I'm having serious scripting issues with it and have taken it offline to resolve them. It should be back online in a few days time. If you can point me in the direction of any others I'd be most appreciative.

I'll sort the other things out when I get a mo - I'm in the middle of a stageshow at present! I hadn't actually intended for it to get to the PR stage...needless to say I'm still somewhat stunned by the whole thing. smiley - winkeye

As for guideML, for some obscure reason despite my best attempts to code the article up, I have met with (shall we say) limited success.

Anyone know who I call on to get the conversations removed the article? I think they really should be nuked.


- Z.Z

A2347607 - Z.Z's Guide to Bearded Dragons

Post 6

Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z)

All amendments made as req'd. Pls feel free to point out any errors or omissions no matter how trivial! smiley - smiley

Also got the GML working, FINALLY!smiley - magic

- Z.Z

A2347607 - Z.Z's Guide to Bearded Dragons

Post 7

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

To make your links clickable, try the following format (I've used an example of dragon pictures):

Dragon pictures

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A2347607 - Z.Z's Guide to Bearded Dragons

Post 8

Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z)

Just noticed & amended that actually but thx for the feedback smiley - winkeye

It totally slipped my mind.

- Z.Z

A2347607 - Z.Z's Guide to Bearded Dragons

Post 9

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Please check your first link, ZZ - it doesn't work for me.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A2347607 - Z.Z's Guide to Bearded Dragons

Post 10

Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z)

Link trouble resolved...flippin' forwarding issue. *Grumbles* smiley - winkeye

- Z.Z

A2347607 - Z.Z's Guide to Bearded Dragons

Post 11

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Hmmmm.... I was going to make some comments about formatting changes that need to happen, but the author doesn't appear to have been around for a bit -- has anyone seen her?

smiley - mouse

A2347607 - Z.Z's Guide to Bearded Dragons

Post 12


Nope. She's been incommunicado for quite a bit, actually.

A2347607 - Z.Z's Guide to Bearded Dragons

Post 13


Indeed. Given that continued absence, I propose moving this entry to the Flea Market.


A2347607 - Z.Z's Guide to Bearded Dragons

Post 14


How about the AWW instead? Throw it Jodan's lot with the underguide and the AGG/CAC/CCA crew.

A2347607 - Z.Z's Guide to Bearded Dragons

Post 15

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

I'll agree to a AWW move, and add it to the email.

smiley - mouse

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