The man who is
Shy, unassuming father of 6. Born 1954, married 1984. Still on first wife, and almost house-trained. Supporter of Coventry City Football Club, aspiring writer, but employed in the computer industry. (Hint : Do not EVER reply to those adverts about the "exciting" world of computing.)
I have 5 daughters, 1 son, 2 cats, 1 dog, and a not inconsiderable number of hats. If you want to make God laugh make a plan they say, mine went out the window some time ago.
I usually log on from work, so I'm online all hours of the day and night.

You know what, ,instead of hanging around here marvelling at my wit, why don't you go here ? Or if you'd like to contribute to a new art-form, accidently triggered by myself, investigate Rimickles.
If you're looking for me I'm probably here at S.H.A.D.O.W. Headquarters, or I could be here at

How am I scoring.
Purely for reference purposes named entries.
Stuff I've inflicted on people : - Coventry 31/01/03. Teletubby Gambling 28/02/03. Coventry City Football Club 08/06/04. The Coventry Carol 02/03/06. The Extraordinary 1932 Olympic 4 Man Bob Team 22/05/06. John Thomas Barnardo 13/07/06. William Stead 24/07/06. 'General' William Booth 14/01/08. The Coventry Martyrs 11/03/08. The Cross of Nails Society 06/05/08. Coventration 29/05/08. William Hall VC 23/09/08. She'll be Coming Round The Mountain 28/01/09
A couple of extracts from a poem that inspired me as a boy.
"If you can dream, but not make dreams your master,
If you can think, but not make thoughts your aim
If you can meet with triumph and disaster,
And treat those two imposters just the same
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken,
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build them up with worn out tools."
If you can fill the unforgiving minute,
With sixty seconds worth of distance run,
Then yours is the world, and all thats in it,
And, which is more, you'll be a man my son.
Rudyard Kipling
So Remember;
You are a child of the universe,
No less than the trees and stars
You have a right to be here
Laugh, and the world laughs with you,
Weep and you weep alone.
For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth,
But has worries enough of its own.
And finally a piece of advice from Trin - Footinooti.
Focus only on the issue, not outright on the individual ... Footinooti
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McKay The Disorganised
Researcher U200618
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- 'She'll be Coming Round the Mountain'
- William Hall VC
- Coventration - The Coventry Blitz
- The Cross of Nails Society
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