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bearded dragons
Anachronism Started conversation Mar 29, 2004
ive got a bearded dragon too!
we should totally make a bearded dragon fan club
ive got a pic of mine linked to my homespace
bearded dragons
Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z) Posted Mar 29, 2004
Way hey - and here's me thinking nobody likes beardies!
+1 member to the beardie buddy club
So, I'll start with a brief bio. I've had 2 beardies, Bernie & Scorch.
Bernie was adopted from a reptile sanctuary, we had him for about a year but he had serious parasite problems...we spent upward of £150 on treament for him to no avail. Scorch is just over 4y/o now and going strong.
How long have you had your dragon?
bearded dragons
Anachronism Posted Mar 29, 2004
only about 2 months.but yeah hes lovely did u look at the pic? i had 2 leopard geckos aswell but the baby died 2 weeks ago =(
bearded dragons
Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z) Posted Mar 29, 2004
I did look at the pic - I remember Scorch when she was that big. Couldn't have wished to see a cuter lizard...4 years and 3 feet later she's still adorable.
BTW: I've had an identity crisis and reverted to a name I use on a web-wide basis. Still the same strange Z.Z though. Just under a new moniker.
bearded dragons
Anachronism Posted Mar 29, 2004
awww bless. im not sure how old he is but hes 14 inch now. im hoping to get another when i have enough money.
bearded dragons
Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z) Posted Mar 29, 2004
Possibly not a wise choice...males don't tend to get on too well together and they stress females out with continual attempts to mate.
Male-Male = Trouble
Male-Female = Lots of Beardies
Female-Female = Fine and dandy.
bearded dragons
Anachronism Posted Mar 29, 2004
well i will probably not then...but i would like to breed him at some point
bearded dragons
Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z) Posted Mar 29, 2004
I'm not saying don't breed Ryu - it's more a case of be prepared if you do as you'll need to seperate him & his mate if things go according to plan. Mum will need a nice safe tank to lay in and the hatchlings will need somewhere safe to play where they won't be squished by adults.
bearded dragons
Anachronism Posted Mar 29, 2004
yeah its something i wanna do when i have more money.alot more money!lol
bearded dragons
Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z) Posted Mar 29, 2004
I've never bred dragons personally but from what I know it's not particularly arduous. It's purely a case of what to do with 20+ mini-beardies when they hatch.
bearded dragons
Anachronism Posted Mar 29, 2004
well thats true
i kno my "local" reptile shop takes in babies off the public instead of a wholesaler
bearded dragons
Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z) Posted Mar 29, 2004
That's usually the wisest move. Means the bloodlines are mixed so there shouldn't be any genetic illnesses. Is Ryu a standard beige/tan dragon or a colourphase?
Scorch has a touch of fire phase in her blood I think seen as she has orange/yellow highlights on her spikes and beard.
bearded dragons
Anachronism Posted Mar 30, 2004
hes just normal i think but he has orangey stripes on his eyes and bits on his back which sometimes look brown and sometimes look purple-ish!?
bearded dragons
Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z) Posted Mar 30, 2004
Standard issue beardie that is. The purple thing is typical of BDs they tend to change colour according to mood really ranging from a normal 'happy' beige to a 'peed off' blackish purple. Bath night for Scorch tonight - she's shedding.
bearded dragons
Anachronism Posted Mar 30, 2004
Ryuu dosent seem to like the bath. sorry about yesterday we had to leave the library cos it was shutting
bearded dragons
Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z) Posted Apr 2, 2004
He'll get used to baths, just takes a little time. Scorch actually get quite narky when she's taken out of the bath...but that's just typical spoilt Scorch behaviour. I don't know many other lizards that get their own chair in the house and are treated like royalty.
bearded dragons
Anachronism Posted Apr 19, 2004
he is starting to get better at it. sorry bout how long this took half term and i didnt have access to the net
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bearded dragons
- 1: Anachronism (Mar 29, 2004)
- 2: Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z) (Mar 29, 2004)
- 3: Anachronism (Mar 29, 2004)
- 4: Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z) (Mar 29, 2004)
- 5: Anachronism (Mar 29, 2004)
- 6: Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z) (Mar 29, 2004)
- 7: Anachronism (Mar 29, 2004)
- 8: Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z) (Mar 29, 2004)
- 9: Anachronism (Mar 29, 2004)
- 10: Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z) (Mar 29, 2004)
- 11: Anachronism (Mar 29, 2004)
- 12: Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z) (Mar 29, 2004)
- 13: Anachronism (Mar 30, 2004)
- 14: Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z) (Mar 30, 2004)
- 15: Anachronism (Mar 30, 2004)
- 16: Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z) (Apr 2, 2004)
- 17: Anachronism (Apr 19, 2004)
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