The Andromeda-Way Prison

11 Conversations

Super villains? Yeah, they exist. But on a Galactic Scale, they aren't that impressive. Every planet is home to hyper-charged telepaths, or entities who wield unimaginable magical forces, or bounty hunters who are considered to be "the best." Every planet seems to have businessmen so rich that they charge rent on the air that people breathe, or individuals strong enough to dig out of a cave-in with their pinky, or scientists capable of conquering worlds with their clever inventions and experiments. Every planet has warlords controlling vast armies of darkness, or demons who manifest themselves in order to gain more support for their master, or thugs with enough resiliance to always escape justice no matter how tight the noose around their neck is.

But here at the Andromeda-Way Prison, only the greatest of super villains are admitted. You know The Sith? The Dark Lords who have mastered The Force? Not one Sith that ever applied to this prison has ever been admitted. Ever hear of The Big Billiardsman? He was a gigantic robot that was armed with the Universe's most powerful pool cue. With it, the robot would shoot entire planets into each other, often knocking them into the nearest black holes. This guy made it in barely. Pretty much just because we were the only ones capable of shrinking him even with his "anti-shrink ray" shield. His death and fear count were generally lower than what we like to accept

So where is this prison?

As the name implies, we are located on a planet-sized asteroid that actually orbits the Milky Way. That's right, we're not in the Milky Way, we're just orbiting it. The asteroid is surrounded from virtually every direction by a cloud of G-Force Mines1 How do people get in and out? Well, most people don't get out. Pretty much only the guards/soldiers who are assigned to monitor the asteroid for periods of roughly three years at a time. They can get out through long-range teleporter due to a signal that only a few know (not even the guards know how or when they are implanted with the device that transmits the signal2), while prisoners are sent in on ships that are designed to head straight for the G-Force Mines while beaming the prisoners off (any needed supplies are beamed with them). Believe us when we say that prisoners do not escape from this place.

How do you keep the prisoners in line?

However we wish to. We have highly advanced neural dampeners that can shut down any "super powers" that are generated by the mind. There are strength-sappers here to detain those individuals who might otherwise stamp their feet a few times and cause the asteroid to break apart. We've got anti-magic fields so strongly in place that no magic user could possibly break in. The very fabric of the space around the asteroid is filled with Anti-Metichlorides that effectively cancel out the abilities of any who might choose to use The Force. And buying your way out? Please. No one even knows who owns this place, and only a few know any codes for beaming off the people with the specific frequency. Who in the Universe are you going to bribe? Only a pan-dimensional being of immense power could surpass our security system and believe me, you have nothing that they want.
1G-Force Mines are electronic devices that effectively create a miniature black hole around them whenever a space ship gets too close.2Most don't even know for sure if they've been implanted with the device.

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