A Conversation for Red Dwarf

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 41

Mu Beta

Ah, are you a Thingite, then sir?smiley - winkeye


The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 42


Where is A-deck Mr. Rimmer?

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 43

Commander Xerxes Thamian Meridian

I agree. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must draw cookry and chop talkie toaster into toast. *enraged Colonel walks over to Kryten and hits The Talkie Toaster with banana* smiley - grr

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 44

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

The talkie toaster is not here.
And it is quiet so do not touch it ok?
You are hitting a run-away hamster BTW.

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 45

Commander Xerxes Thamian Meridian

You must be getting severely annoyed with me aren't you? smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 46

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

Smeg off dog-food face.

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 47

Commander Xerxes Thamian Meridian

NO! YOU NARF OFF!!! smiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grr

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 48

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

How dare you speak to a superior technician like that?!
*writes something in his report book*

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 49

Commander Xerxes Thamian Meridian

el original Red Dwarf tuvo razon, eres un gito!

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 50

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

No I dont want to buy a beach ball.

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 51

Existential Elevator

smiley - laugh

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 52


*picks up dead hamster*

Who's is this?

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 53

Commander Xerxes Thamian Meridian

Do you have any clue what i just called you? smiley - smileysmiley - biggrinsmiley - laugh

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 54

Commander Xerxes Thamian Meridian

Oh the Hamster is Rimmsie's. smiley - smileysmiley - biggrinsmiley - laugh

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 55

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

A git I would guess.
And the hamster isn't mine.

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 56

Existential Elevator

*is still laughing at el gito*

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 57

Commander Xerxes Thamian Meridian

Congratulations!! Now guess which language i said it in!! And the hamster is yours. That is why you got so worked up when i blugeoned it to death with this banana. *holds up bloodied banana*

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 58

Lou, (Listy) Not around too much, don't be offended if I don't reply.. I'LL TRY!

*smiley - whistle on the way in....
eating curry*
Nice Hamster rimmsie.

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 59


So what shall I do with this? *bloody hamster swings in hand*

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 60

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

I'm telling you it's not my hamster I've never had a hamster in my life or in my death!

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