h2g2 Romances

30 Conversations

smiley - loveblushLove quote of the daysmiley - loveblush

They met through h2g2!

smiley - cupidsmiley - lovesmiley - kisssmiley - cuddlesmiley - cupidsmiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - loveblushsmiley - lovesmiley - kisssmiley - cuddlesmiley - cupidsmiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - loveblushsmiley - lovesmiley - drool

Married smiley - handcuffs

Beatrice (Lucky Star) and Dai the Death.
Peta and Mark.
Serephina and Ged (evidence)
Ben and Zed.
Nyssabird and Njan.
Shea and T J.
Lady Elly and Mikesmiley - stout
Ginger the Feisty and Doug Dastardly.
mari-rae and Kessmiley - pggb
J'au-æmne and me[Andy]g
Unc and Researcher PSG. And now baby Milly who weighed in at 10lb 3ozssmiley - cdouble
fords and Dr E.Vibenstein. And now baby Jennifer Grace who weighed in at 8lb 15oz.
Deakie and Deep Doo Doo.
Odo and Master B.

Engaged smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

The Thinker and Stephen
Eomando and Paul Prefect
Shazzsmiley - magicand TowelMastersmiley - towelsmiley - bubbly
Mutant and Horatio_Caine.

Living together

azahar and Noggin.
Sunny and Ottox

Courting couples

Killer Queen and Silly Willy.
Metal Chicken and Phil.
nim the cat and Falern.
Amandasmiley - panda and Spartus
Smilodon Prefect and Researcher Ford.
Hati and Hapi.
Lady Pennywhistle and NuclearConfusion.

There are other romances that I know about, but they are secret, and wild smiley - ponysmiley - ponysmiley - pony would not drag their names from my lips. Unless they wouldn't mind the whole smiley - earth knowing they will remain a secret.smiley - winkeye

Other h2g2 couples

Granny Weatherwax and Nogbad the Slightly Naughty Vikingsmiley - handcuffs
a la Dawn and Jimi Xsmiley - handcuffs
Cloviscat and Lipsbury Pinfoldsmiley - handcuffs
Abi and IanG.
Kaz and Moonglum Clampflowersmiley - handcuffs
Bernadette Lynn and Jim Lynnsmiley - handcuffs
Greebo T.Catsmiley - donut and Stooby Molesmiley - handcuffs
Queex Quimwrangler and Mandragora Scrymidden
Naark and Tube
KerrAvon and Bruce
Amy Pawloski and Thomas Didymussmiley - handcuffs
OwlofDoom and Nitinasmiley - handcuffs
Toccata and Munchkin
TopHat KittyCat and Marcus Arac
ismarah and The Dancing Treesmiley - handcuffs
Mrs Dreadful and Mr Dreadfulsmiley - handcuffs
Strangelittlegirl and smiley - sharkBlues Sharksmiley - handcuffs
Reefgirl and Excelsior
The Admiral and Captain Kebabsmiley - handcuffs
coelacanthsmiley - bluefish and manwhofillsdoorways
Lbclaire and Danny B.
Emmily and a visitor to planet earth

h2g2 babies

smiley - dontpanicsmiley - chicksmiley - dontpanicsmiley - chicksmiley - dontpanicsmiley - chicksmiley - dontpanicsmiley - chicksmiley - dontpanicsmiley - chicksmiley - dontpanicsmiley - chick

Two February 2006 babies to report - Emily, born to Jim and Bernadette Lynn; and Milly, born to Unconformity and Researcher PSG.

Faith Anne the daughter of Amy Pawloski and Thomas Didymus not really a h2g2 baby but she does have her own Researcher numbersmiley - wow
Ryan, son of Lady Elly and Mike the manic bankersmiley - stout weighed in at 8 pounds.
Harrison, son of Ginger the Feisty and Doug Dastardly weighed in at 8 pounds 6 ounces.
smiley - giftCongratulations!!smiley - gift

Recent outings/admissions/confessions

smiley - galaxyGB accepts no responsibility for errors, misunderstandings smiley - footinmouth or clangers.

Any gossip about other h2g2 romances must first be emailed direct to AGB1 for thorough investigation. Include User numbers and clickable links to evidence please. You may remain anonymous, but rest assured I won't tell who told, dear best friend. smiley - smileyThank you.

Latest gossip

Page updated January 2011.

Hot gossip

Emmily and a visitor to planet earth are getting married in April, on Emmily's birthday!

smiley - sharkBlues Shark and Strangelittlegirl got married in Las Vegas in April 2005, and Elvissmiley - loveblush came too!!smiley - bubblyCongratulations to you both!smiley - cheers

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