
From Message Posted
You can call me TC All about Germany [1] Oct 24, 2000
Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools) Demolitions Officer Reporting [12] Oct 10, 2000
Highcommander Cube Morning!! [9] Sep 23, 2000
stinkywigfiddle Invitation to Mixed Nuts' End-of-the-world-Party [2] Sep 18, 2000
Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde Muse Achievements [4] Aug 27, 2000
Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde Hello and Go Celery [3] Aug 23, 2000
Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!)) Your vote will make a difference! [1] Aug 22, 2000
Darth Noire Seek for justice [3] Aug 22, 2000
Shellers (Master of wit and ready repartee) Good morning [6] Aug 14, 2000
Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!)) A special invitation for Alien [5] Jul 31, 2000
Chrome101 Sailing [3] Jul 24, 2000
ZOE(Scout), Patron Saint of Multiple Personalities{TANGO NEEDS HELP WITH PROJECT :STARS @ A403930 ALL STAR-GAZERS PLEASE PUT YOU ZOE'mark on Alien's, ACE page [4] Jul 18, 2000
Peter aka Krans Link from Space Centre [3] Jul 8, 2000
Garius Lupus Space Centre Endorsement wanted [3] Jul 6, 2000
Al Kennedy HEY ALIEN! IMPORTANT MESSAGE! [2] Jun 24, 2000
Miss Jeni Hey Alien!! [20] Jun 18, 2000
Kinnominnie You my cosmic twin or something? [2] Jun 12, 2000
Doctor John (Patron Saint and Village Physician) Message from PRO of H2G2SC [2] Jun 10, 2000
Lord Falk LeGrey How to run Shovel CO. [2] May 30, 2000
Nick O`Teen Greetings, Alien, Guardian of Alienated Weevils [8] May 4, 2000

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