This is the Message Centre for Alien


Post 1


Welcome back, Alien. I was just wonderng when you'd return...
Tell me about your sailing trip. How did it go?


Post 2


Hey thanks! It's GOOD to be back!! smiley - smiley Especially now that I've somehow managed to read all of the backlog... *phew*

But the sailing was GREAT!!! smiley - smiley I don't know what do you want me to tell... If I told you everything I have in mind I'd bore you to death... smiley - smiley But we were sailing around the Turku & Åland archipelago with two "storbåt" - old-fashioned wooden boats with two masts & three sails (except the other one which had god knows how many additional sails to use for passing the other one... smiley - winkeye ) The nights we spent camping in islands with mosquitos... *scratch scratch*

I've been planning to put all of my photos online for everyone that was on board, but if anyone else is interested I'd be happy to show them to everybody... smiley - smiley


Post 3


Where's the Turku & Åland archipelago. Sounds hot.

I went on a trip over the North sea for five days. we spent a day in Ostend, Belgium before sailing back. The weather veered wildly between calm and choppy, and that meant we had to use the motor a lot.

Still, I liked it!

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