This is the Message Centre for Alien

Seek for justice

Post 1

Darth Noire

*As Alien is sitting by her desk, preparing for voting in the election a cold wind suddenly blows through the room from an open window behind her back, almost blowing out a candle which is the only light in the room. Alien, however, fails to notice this, being too absorbed in the research for backgrounds of the candidates. One of the shadows by the window starts slowly approaching her and finally stops right behind her. A flash of lightning momentarily lightens the whole room, revealing a dark figure holding something high above Alien's head. Alien finally seems to notice that something is terribly wrong, but before she manages to turn around the object the intruder is holding hits Alien's head with a force that's enough to knock her unconcious on the floor. The mysterious shadow collects all the papers on Alien's desk, including her ID and the permit for voting, blows the candle and disappears through the window, leaving Alien lying on the floor incapable for moving in 12 RL hours.*

Seek for justice

Post 2


*sees blank*

Seek for justice

Post 3

Darth Noire

*Before Alien shows any signs of waking up, the shadow returns and places all the papers back on the desk - including a certificate for having voted in the election with Alien's name in it, and a business card of STUMPED - and disappears again through the window.*

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