This is the Message Centre for Alien

Greetings, Alien, Guardian of Alienated Weevils

Post 1

Nick O`Teen

Just stopped by your page here, as I do for all church members from time to time. I see you chose to deface your page with the CotTW membership "badge". smiley - smiley That's great. I think you're the first person to do it.

I was thinking of asking Sporkulious Eglon to make a nicer-looking one because he's quite good at that sort of thing (whereas I am a programmer, which means I suck at that sort of thing). smiley - smiley

You have a fishy on your page. Is that your very own fishy? I asked Fenchurch to make me a fishy (well, a "weevil-y"), but that was quite some time ago and I've never heard back since then.

Interesting page you have. Lots of neat links. I checked out the Overwhelmingly Huge Guide to H2G2 Clubs and was surprised to see that the CotTW was not there! I'm just going to go see to that...

Greetings, Alien, Guardian of Alienated Weevils

Post 2


smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface
You have no idea how I found out about your post... I was on your page and saw it there... MY PAGE ISN'T UPDATING!! Or it does, but only every two days or so, when it doesn't remember anymore how it looked before... And I have no idea why it's doing that... Worked fine earlier... smiley - sadface And with other entries same problem too - if I want to see if there's something new somewhere I must stay away from there a couple of days and then check it out... Or use another computer... smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface

Enough of complains... smiley - smiley

I like the CoTW badge as it is... smiley - smiley And am proud to have it on my page!! smiley - smiley

That is my own fish... Perhaps Fenny didn't notice your request? She made my fish very quickly after I had asked for it...

Are there enough smileys now?? Must compensate the sad ones up there... smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley There!!

Greetings, Alien, Guardian of Alienated Weevils

Post 3

Nick O`Teen

Well, gosh, I'm sorry to see you're having troubles with your page. I'm sure there's a forum somewhere (probably accessed from the H2G2 home page, which I rarely see) where you can bring this to the attention of someone who can fix it.

Glad to hear you like the badge, although I still think it looks like crap. Perhaps I'm just my own worst critic. smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

I sent another request to Fennchurch for a fishy (actually, a weevil-y, but I doubt she'd go for that smiley - smiley). Don't know yet if she's replied.

Hope you get this message in a day or two (or sooner). smiley - smiley

Greetings, Alien, Guardian of Alienated Weevils

Post 4


No problem now when I've already posted here once... The "more posts"-link always works and shows latest replies... It's just difficult to notice new posts on my page... But I'm not complaining about it anymore... smiley - smiley

Hopefully Fenny now gives you a weevil-y... smiley - smiley

Greetings, Alien, Guardian of Alienated Weevils

Post 5

Nick O`Teen

How do I find out if Fenchurch has bestowed a fishy unto me? If I start making a post (like this one) and type in a fishy, then do a preview, should I see the fishy, or will I just see a regular old fishy?

I assume that, if I've been given a fishy, that it will show up in all my posts.

Greetings, Alien, Guardian of Alienated Weevils

Post 6


Nope... Sorry... Fenny's fishes are only pictures which you can add to your pages - they don't appear in forum posts... It's always the same old yellow fishy... smiley - fish

When Fenny finishes the fish, she will post you the URL to it and you can then use it on your pages...

But let's tell all those bosses that we want our own fishies to posts... I assume they already are planning to add the possibility of HTML in forum posts too somewhere in the future...

Greetings, Alien, Guardian of Alienated Weevils

Post 7

Nick O`Teen

I think that, if I have a special fishy, it should show up in all of my posts (unless I don't type a fishy in the post). That doesn't sound terribly hard to implement, just look up the appropriate fishy based on the author of the post. Simple.

Oh well, since Fenchurch hasn't replied to me yet with an URL-like object, I guess I don't have my very own weevil-y yet. smiley - sadface

By the way, how do you bring a request like this to the attention of the h2g2 folks who can make a difference?

Greetings, Alien, Guardian of Alienated Weevils

Post 8


I don't know which would be the best place... Perhaps Bruce or Peta or whoever are those other bosses... Or the feedback forum...

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