This is the Message Centre for Alien

Space Centre Endorsement wanted

Post 1

Garius Lupus

A new candidate for the h2g2 Presidency has just been announced. It is none other than The Celery, who was created and rose to prominence in the Space Centre Biome. The Celery has asked me to enquire of you whether you would like to officially endorse his campaign. He would love to have the support of his home world. Check out his Campaign Headquarters here:

We hope to hear from you soon after you return (provided you met with no ... erm ... accidents while sailing).

Space Centre Endorsement wanted

Post 2


Hey there! Good to be back! smiley - smiley Luckily we didn't have any real accidents although it was pretty close one day when there was no wind at all and we were swimming in the middle of the sea and suddenly the boat started sailing on all by itself just as if there was some stranger in it willing to make us all drown... But I don't have any enemies, do I? smiley - winkeye

But, about the Celery - of course I'll support him!! Just tell me what to do - I'm pretty lost with this whole president-thing right now... *goes and reads all of the pages concerning the Celery & presidents again*

Space Centre Endorsement wanted

Post 3

Garius Lupus

So the space centre will officially support him? Great! I will tell Redbeard and he will put both the Space Centre and you on the supporters lists on the campaign page. You should go to the "friends of Celery..." page and get some of the posters and buttons. You can put a button on you home page (or a poster) and a poster on the Space Centre home page - whichever you like.

Glad to have you aboard!

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