This is the Message Centre for Alien

ZOE'mark on Alien's, ACE page

Post 1

ZOE(Scout), Patron Saint of Multiple Personalities{TANGO NEEDS HELP WITH PROJECT :STARS @ A403930 ALL STAR-GAZERS PLEASE PUT YOU

Watch out ZOE's around.
Paasing by making my mark then I carry on

ZOE ya round

ZOE'mark on Alien's, ACE page

Post 2


Umm... Excuse me?? You're making me confused...

ZOE'mark on Alien's, ACE page

Post 3

ZOE(Scout), Patron Saint of Multiple Personalities{TANGO NEEDS HELP WITH PROJECT :STARS @ A403930 ALL STAR-GAZERS PLEASE PUT YOU

All that blabbering translates to " HI "

ZOE ya round

ZOE'mark on Alien's, ACE page

Post 4


LOL hi to yourself!! smiley - smiley

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