This is the Message Centre for Alien

Message from PRO of H2G2SC

Post 1

Doctor John (Patron Saint and Village Physician)

Greetings boss,
Didn't notice that you'd been away - maybe because i have been away as well.
I notice you are having problems with the "new and improved GML". So am I.
New issue of SC newsletter coming out soon (as soon as Ernesto Pix sends me some images and text)

Dr J
smiley - fish

Message from PRO of H2G2SC

Post 2


Hello Doc! Great to meet you again! I guess you've been away a bit longer than I was...

Yesterday I noticed there was something weird in my link to you user page - it didn't go at all where it should have gone - but I didn't have any time to find out why... The user number seemed to be correct though... But it seems to work now...

I also had a problem with all the java and took them all away except the quote-thing which seems to work... I'm still wondering how to make the boxes work again or which other way would be good for the links... But it's too much effort to do that and besides it's weekend... smiley - smiley CU!

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