This is the Message Centre for Alien

You my cosmic twin or something?

Post 1


I was just having some trouble getting to my page, and I got your page instead of mine - even the details! I was just wondering whether you experienced anything similar.

You my cosmic twin or something?

Post 2


Wow! How did that happen? It didn't happen to me... But h2g2 *has* been acting really weirdly sometimes... Once I went to the front page and it said the usual "welcome back"-message but with a completely different email address although I could post as myself... And more weirdly, that email address was the one of my friend's although she never has been logged on in my computer... The truth must be out there... But that's really worrying if someone can get to someone else's details just like that... Not that anyone would alter anyone other's details here in h2g2 where everybody is so nice... smiley - winkeye

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You my cosmic twin or something?

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