A Conversation for Ask h2g2

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 13181


Well the flame may have blown out but look on the bright side. At least the Greeks have a pot to piss in now.

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 13182


The Ministry of Defence has confirmed a sonic device will be deployed in London during the Olympics.


Is that wise? With all those Olympic rings nearby, won't that be too much temptation for the pesky hedgehog?

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 13183


The anniversary of the 15M movement, The outraged, or Los indignados, "camps" in the international press: (scroll down a bit to see the links to the journals)


Which is important compared with how the Spanish far-right media has treated the news here.(they have most of the media)

one of the journals, the Italian Il´Manifesto, uses the expression Intignati, instead of indignati. The reason is that the far-right media uses a pejorative expression for the people who protest. They insist that the indignados are a few dirty hippies or perro-flautas and groups of far-left terrorists.

The truth that media manipulates and omits is that there are all kind of citizens, whole middle-class families, pensioners, plenty of them!! students, and mainly, young people who can´t find a job, many, too many have left the country already.

Meanwhile, Mario Draghi is very happy with the Spanish goverment. Good boy Rajoy is a faithful believer of the Neoliberal Dogma:

You shall wipe out the social rights of citizens, who scared and shocked, will became our slaves.

Fear you not those who protest, as they are the temptation the Evil Left sends to fluffy politicians.

We know we are right, we are the elite, the choosen ones by destiny, which is more important than democracy.

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 13184


About time this lying fraud and terrorist got picked up. I hope in his absence his culty followers/worshippers come to their senses, but I'm not counting on that.


"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 13185


Time magazine seem to have a pretty good handle on Scottish football.

Rangers and Glasgow Celtic have dominated the Scottish Professional League forever— they were both European powers once— but their bitter, sectarian-based rivalry has helped to undermine them. Their vile and violent fans—Protestants in the case of Rangers; Catholics for Celtic—are everything that’s wrong with football. If Rangers were to fold, some of the religious hatred could be drained and perhaps new rivalries might develop in the SPL.

Read more: http://keepingscore.blogs.time.com/2012/05/11/scottish-soccer-fans-to-american-savior-no-thanks-yank/#ixzz1uqqLca2Z

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 13186

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

the problem with rangers celtic is i don't think it's actually about the religion any more... perhaps it was at one time but now thats just something they throw in there as an added extra, sometimes a city is too small for two such large teams

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 13187


“Al Nakba” – 15th May

“Al Nakba” is the name for the day that marks the start of the dispossession, ethnic cleansing, apartheid… for the Palestinian people, officially commencing in 1948. It’s commemorated each year on the 15th May. Al Nakba is the Pealestinian equivalent of Invasion Day and is translated as “the Catastrophe”.

The swallowing of Palestinian land since 1948 can be seen here:

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 13188


Wrong Man Was Executed In Texas. [So what's new ? - but this time it's definite.]


"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 13189


Thieves take £11,000 of sex toys in Stourport-on-Severn


What caught my eye was - "If they manage to sell them then I would give them a job." smiley - biggrin

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 13190

Pink Paisley

My initial reaction to that was 'Wha....? £11,000 worth of sex toys in Stourport OS? It's only a small place!'

But having read it, I understand. They must ALL sent elsewhere.


"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 13191

Pink Paisley

And am I the only one who feels a bit icky about it being a father / daughter run firm?


No Subject

Post 13192


Why sell? Just give one to a few people per day for a while.

When Worlds Collide

Post 13193





No Subject

Post 13194


Paralysed patients use thoughts to control robotic arm

Video footage shows 58-year-old Cathy Hutchinson using the neural interface to control a robotic arm and bring a flask of coffee to her mouth. It was the first time in nearly 15 years that she had taken a drink unaided.

She communicates by picking out letters on a board using eye movement and wrote: "I couldn't believe my eyes when I was able to drink coffee without help. I was ecstatic. I had feelings of hope and a great sense of independence."

No Subject

Post 13195

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Jesus H Christ....



No Subject

Post 13196

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

On a happier note:

Hey, two outa three aint bad

Place your bets. Place your bets, laddies and punters.
smiley - pony

What news story etc etc

Post 13197

You can call me TC

I read this headline a couple of days ago and decided I really ought to look into it a bit closer. How come they only just discovered that the Rhine is a whole 5 million years older than hitherto thought? That's an incredibly large timespan. Can any archaeologists explain this to me? Normally, like with dating the first human, you would expect them to edge backwards slowly with their dates, as more discoveries are made.


What news story etc etc

Post 13198

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

I'm going to guess they use carbon dating which isn't very accurate and dosn't really do small increments of time

What news story etc etc

Post 13199

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - bigeyes

>> Can any archaeologists explain this to me? <<

I too would like to see some further explanation.
Just yesterday, looking at a relief map of North America
I thought I perceived how the Great Lakes were created
and the Mississippi and Missouri rivers might have been
formed by the retreating glaciers of the last ice age.
And that was just 10,000 years ago.

smiley - erm

Meanwhile, I note with some satisfaction that Bob Dylan
has received the Presidential Meal of Freedom from Obama
a half century after his music inspired Civil Rights.


smiley - cheers

What news story etc etc

Post 13200


And what was the menu on the "Presidential Meal" smiley - tongueincheek

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