A Conversation for Ask h2g2
What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You
Tefkat Posted Apr 22, 2002
I can't imagine your friend's sister telling him though.
I mean can you imagine telling your opposite-sex sibling you had just been having cybersex?
What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You
Mu Beta Posted Apr 22, 2002
Oh, I don't know. I've known some brother-sisters be pretty close. Especially if you're only cybering for a laugh.
What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You
Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit) Posted Apr 26, 2002
On H2G2....
Posting into the middle of a thread I knew nothing about, sounding all knowledgeable, when I was responding to a post from the first page (about 25 pages in...)....
::thinks::hmmmm this might have to go into H2G2 addiction too.../::thinks::
What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You
PhilFogg Posted Apr 28, 2002
One of my collagues was quite impressed with a female customer's physical assets, which he immediately felt the need to describe to a friend of mine in graphic detail (in VERY GRAPHIC detail).
My friend calmly listened to this for about two minutes, then commented: "I'm happy to hear you like my girl-friend."
What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You
manda1111 Posted Apr 28, 2002
I went to a interview the other day, sat there talking to them for 30min ,got back to my car took my suit jacket off, I have never seen that amount of dandruff on one coat befor (and I don't suffer with dandruff which is why I never looked befor I went in) and I STILL got the job
What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You
26199 Posted Apr 28, 2002
Here's an interesting one...
I'm a juggler, I juggle... and contact juggle, which means I get some neat crystal ball looking things (which are in fact made out of plastic). One day myself and family (er, parents and siblings) were driving to Wales... I was reading an' playing with my contact juggling balls...
Next thing we know, there's an odd smell... hmm, smells like burning... I see small whisps of smoke rising in front of me...
Let this be a lesson to you... anything spherical and made of clear plastic can act like quite a good lense...
My jeans were only smouldering, not actually on fire, but that didn't stop everyone having a good laugh at my expense
What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You
Yael Smith Posted Apr 28, 2002
Spontaneous combustion?
I've nearly burnt down a Pub, with a little help from my pyromaniac friend.
There were haystacks on the floor, as chairs, and big wood wheels, the kind used to roll plastic hoses around as tables. On that of course, they've put candles.
So me and her, a pair of pyromaniacs, started burning straw with the candles.
One of the owners came over with a glass of beer, and spilled it straight on the fire. The whole thing, of course, went WHOOSH! and a huge flame bursted out of the wheel-table. The idiot, being so embaressed with his own stupidity, wanted to throw us out, but my friend's boyfriernd cleared it with him and promised we'll be good and stop burning the place.
And we didn't. Honest!
What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You
Tube - the being being back for the time being Posted Apr 28, 2002
"a glass of beer, and spilled it straight on the fire. The whole thing, of course, went WHOOSH! "
That's gotta be a *good* beer!
What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You
Tefkat Posted Apr 28, 2002
What IS a Goldstar?
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What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You
- 421: Yael Smith (Apr 22, 2002)
- 422: Tefkat (Apr 22, 2002)
- 423: Mu Beta (Apr 22, 2002)
- 424: Yael Smith (Apr 22, 2002)
- 425: Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit) (Apr 26, 2002)
- 426: Yael Smith (Apr 28, 2002)
- 427: PhilFogg (Apr 28, 2002)
- 428: manda1111 (Apr 28, 2002)
- 429: 26199 (Apr 28, 2002)
- 430: Yael Smith (Apr 28, 2002)
- 431: 26199 (Apr 28, 2002)
- 432: Yael Smith (Apr 28, 2002)
- 433: Tube - the being being back for the time being (Apr 28, 2002)
- 434: 26199 (Apr 28, 2002)
- 435: a girl called Ben (Apr 28, 2002)
- 436: Yael Smith (Apr 28, 2002)
- 437: Tefkat (Apr 28, 2002)
- 438: Yael Smith (Apr 28, 2002)
- 439: Tefkat (Apr 28, 2002)
- 440: Yael Smith (Apr 28, 2002)
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