A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You

Post 381

Yael Smith

smiley - laughYou can't be *that* easily embaressed smiley - winkeye

What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You

Post 382

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Try walking around the office for ten minutes, before anyone told me my flies were undone. Totally. The worst part? I don't wear underpants. smiley - blush

What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You

Post 383

Tilly - back in mauve

Now that we are talking about embarassing trousers, I had a little incident a couple of days ago...

I was at a concert. And not just any concert, I was signed to perform on this one. I had an awful cold (still do) and a terrible runny nose. Right before I was to go on stage, I experienced a really, really big sneeze. Snot all over. And if that wasn't enough, after I had performed my task on stage, I was informed that the... liquids had landed on a particulary... inappropriate place on my pants smiley - blush

What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You

Post 384

Yael Smith

smiley - hug
smiley - tea?

What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You

Post 385

Tilly - back in mauve

Thank you, yes smiley - tea *Sniff*

What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You

Post 386

Yael Smith

smiley - tea+smiley - cake

What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You

Post 387

2SHY ("The most fun you can have without laughing")

1. After leaving a meeting of my drama group at night I ran out of the building and jumped in the car, put my seatbelt on shouted "right lets go" when i looked and discovered that the bearded man driving wasn't my dad and the car I was in wasn't mine...

2. While at the taping of a saturday morning kids show I was standing in a crowd of fellow 12/13 year olds with my friends behind me. Of of the shows presenters was talking to me [GazTops for anyone in the uk] and I asked him if he was a star trek fan [coz I remembered seeing him talking about it on telly once] he then said something very intelegent about the show and I shouted "see, star trek aint sad" only to look around and realise my friends who I was talking to had moved away and I had just shouted at 300 12 year olds...

What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You

Post 388


smiley - hug

What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You

Post 389

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

This is one of my sister's most embarrassing moments.
You can find her here U192760

Last year my sister gets onto a small 'shuttle' bus with her two boys, she sat at the front, with her youngest in the pushchair, while the oldest lad (then 3) ran to the back of the bus.

A few minutes later she heard her son Israel say
'Mom' mumble mumble mumble,
She turned around and asked him what he wanted, again all she heard was mumble mumble mumble.

A lady sitting by Israel was smiling, the way people do when your kids are being 'cute'.

A few minutes later Israel tries again.

'MOM' he shouts, but all she still cannot hear what he is saying.
She turns around and notices that everyone within ear-shot is smirking.

'Israel, you'll have to speak up I cannot hear you' she says

'I need a poo!' he returns at the top of his voice

She said she was smiley - blushing until they got off the bus smiley - laugh

Have fun and enjoy!
smiley - cheers

What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You

Post 390

Yael Smith

smiley - hugFor you and your sissmiley - winkeye

What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You

Post 391


smiley - laughKids! Love 'em or loathe 'em - you can't ignore 'em.

What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You

Post 392

Yael Smith

smiley - laugh

What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You

Post 393

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

Greetings smiley - biggrin

I probably have loads of similar stories, about other people that I know obviously smiley - winkeye

If you take a gander at my page, you can read all about one, of the many, embarrassing moments, that my other half has had happen smiley - laugh

Have fun and enjoy!
smiley - cheers
3 Of 8 - Needing to get herself checked into a fruit machine addiction clinic

What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You

Post 394

Yael Smith

Read and enjoyed smiley - ok

What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You

Post 395

2SHY ("The most fun you can have without laughing")

one of my friends, debbie, studies Biology at uni. She missed a lecture one day and decided to catch the evening one instead. So she made her way in, took a seat towards the back of the room and started taking notes...having not attended a lecture at that time before she was not surprised she never knew anyone. She took noted on the lecture and a few days later one of her class mates asked to borrow them. All was fine untill about a week later when the class mate gave her back her notes and laughed at her.

It turned out the class mate make head nor tale of the notes and asked the lecturer what the lecture was all about and was informed that the notes he had from that night were not the biology lecture but was in fact a post grad psycology lecture for a completly different year than they were in and a completly different degree....

What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You

Post 396

Yael Smith

smiley - laugh
Psychologysmiley - yawn

What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You

Post 397

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

It has to be said that is one of the funniest backlogs I've read smiley - laugh

As has already been mentioned, kids don't seem to have an embarassment threshold ... embarassment is saved and, through the wonders of compound interest, used to much greater effect when said kid is of embarassable age ...

When I was but a small Ekki I went with my Mum to the Family Planning clinic. She was in for a check up and I was left to my own devices, minding my own business, playing with the assorted toys doctors and dentists provide for small Ekki type people. Check up was completed and we went home.
While mum put away the shopping (I was about 3 at this stage) in walks little Ekki with a plastic bag over his hand, saying, "Right Mum, bend over. I want to look up your bottom."
As I said, not embarassing for me at the time but try hiding the smiley - blushes when this is brought up round the table in front of friends, family and recently wooed girl-friends meeting the folks for the first time ... smiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blush

There are others but I feel it's best to let these things out one at a time!

*still smiley - blushing ...*

What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You

Post 398


Wow, that could have been so embarrasing. Imagine it had happened in the waiting room or such smiley - smiley

What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You

Post 399

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

It doesn't bear thinking about ... smiley - blush

What's The Most Embarassing Thing That's Ever Happened To You

Post 400

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Train Journies? Hmmm... Missed Stations???

Howza bout this'n....

Rushed from Work to Cannon St., JUST in time, dashed onto first train... Sat down.. methinks that saves a 15 minute walk to London Bridge smiley - biggrin...

Hmmmm... Here comes London Bridge.. Up I get, bag down from the rack, approach the door...... WHOOSH smiley - zoom there went London Bridge.... " " says I.... A fellow passenger (hiding a Smirk) says "did you want London Bridge?" "smiley - erm, yes " replies I.... Somewhat unnecessarily he says "Well it doesn't stop there....". smiley - doh It turns out the first stop is meant to be SevenOaks, but it stops in the middle of nowhere and every body gets out, someone unfortunate BAsmiley - starD had committed suicide on the line ahead, and instead of just running over him and getting the wheels all mucky, they had to divert AROUND Sevenoaks....

2 hours later I'm back at London Bridge waiting for the RIGHT train... smiley - grr

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