A Conversation for H2G2 Space Centre

The Space Station

Post 141


*But what the computer can't see, a narrator can see. Affy slowly begins unwrapping his package. He alerts the Station Office to send the message that the Crater Labs fleet is about to be sent off*

The Space Station

Post 142


I sy I go out in my craft, and using my superiotr firepower- I've got the best, Heavy Plasma Cannons- also known as the "Sun Gun", Storm Bolters, Etc. Unfortunately, I have a magnificent Engine, travels at incredible speed...
...But only works 50% of the time. Hence.
Anyway, I travel on momentium towards it, fire at their weapons, sensors, shields, medical bay,(smiley - smiley), holodeck, warp drive, plasmadyne flow speed relay, and anywhere else I can hit. Meanwhile, you focus a tractor beam on me to stop me flying away, and fire all weapons on one point- it'll bring the shields down, and I'll have a tractor lock on it's ship. Once done, A boarding party comprimising of the exess crew (Those guys in red) and any volunteers will board and generally create havoc. This will, in summary:-
> Take out their vitals,
> Kill them,
> Let us in,
> Kill some more,
> Commandeer the ship,
> Get rid of some redcoats. Y'know, sometimes it's nescessary to send down a redcoat.
> Get our illustrious leader a new ship, captives, and 95% the glory,
> and me the other 5%, and
> Piss off Q.
It's great! C'mon!

The Space Station

Post 143


I sy I go out in my craft, and using my superiotr firepower- I've got the best, Heavy Plasma Cannons- also known as the "Sun Gun", Storm Bolters, Etc. Unfortunately, I have a magnificent Engine, travels at incredible speed...
...But only works 50% of the time. Hence.
Anyway, I travel on momentium towards it, fire at their weapons, sensors, shields, medical bay,(smiley - smiley), holodeck, warp drive, plasmadyne flow speed relay, and anywhere else I can hit. Meanwhile, you focus a tractor beam on me to stop me flying away, and fire all weapons on one point- it'll bring the shields down, and I'll have a tractor lock on it's ship. Once done, A boarding party comprimising of the exess crew (Those guys in red) and any volunteers will board and generally create havoc. This will, in summary:-
> Take out their vitals,
> Kill them,
> Let us in,
> Kill some more,
> Commandeer the ship,
> Get rid of some redcoats. Y'know, sometimes it's nescessary to send down a redcoat.
> Get our illustrious leader a new ship, captives, and 95% the glory,
> and me the other 5%, and
> Piss off Q.
It's great! C'mon!

The Space Station

Post 144


Start new thread.

The Space Station

Post 145

Garius Lupus

*GL comes back to the ship, grinning*

Hey, guys! You gotta hear about this - funniest thing I ever saw. Come over here and I'll tell you about it ...


The Space Station

Post 146

Moose: Keeper of the Slant

*all of a sudden Moose walks in naked except for a towel he has clutched around the waist*

Hello there happy space wanderers, Well this is somewhat embarrasing but it seems that I've had an, er... mishap (read problem with faulty energy conduit in shower unit) during my shower. Luckily I have a rented out null-space pocket that I keep my hand Hitch-hikers towel in. But it seems I'm stranded. In anycase what I'm getting at is could I possibly bum a ride back to the station with you guys? I know you're ot going there directly but I can stay a board and help out with any odds and ends you may need.

Either way, you wouldn't happen to have some spare Power-servo suits now would you? Similar to the Warhammer 40k esque terminator armor but with neat engineering doo-whackies rather than the weaponry. No need to displace Chrome 101, he's rightfully signed on as engineer. I just need the ride.

The Space Station

Post 147

Davius the Mostly Competent

Follow the link. (Follow the yellow-ish link. Follow the, follow the, follow the, follow the, follow the yellow-ish link...)

The outfits are in all personal quarters. As usual, anything goes. Welcome aboard.

The Space Station

Post 148


*wakes up*
Hello Moose!
I hate to be picky, but it's Chrome101 - no spaces.

Do you think Affie's "special cargo" has any relation to the League of Gent's "special stuff"?
Bring on Mr. Briss!

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