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Your Funeral Song

Post 81

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Post 77 reposted without song lyrics, sorry smiley - mod

"It's the songs, rather than the singers. This one, "Fly", for instance, moves me beyond words and is perfect for seeing me on my way. I've never heard "Annie's Song" by anyone except John Denver, and I love him anywaysmiley - tongueout
Flying without Wings is what I'm looking forward to when I'm dead"smiley - peacedove

OK, I'll have to find a link for you to read the lyrics of "Fly" as it's not allowed to post copywrited material and I shouldn't have forgotten that,smiley - sorry

I couldn't dance on anyone's grave, plaguesville, apology accepted.smiley - smiley
I *do* take my funeral seriously because everyone I love most in the world will be there and they'll all be upset, and I want them to hear music which makes them think of me, so they can have a good cry but then leave with my memory intact in their hearts. That's all I want, to remembered with love.

This song breaks my heart, http://www.seeklyrics.com/lyrics/CELINE-DION/Fly.html it's beautiful and haunting and perfect for a funeral.

Your Funeral Song

Post 82


For my funeral I'd like to have music that reminded people of my personality, be it happy or sad. I'd probably have:
Sunshine by Gabrielle, because I hope everyone there will have contributed to my life and deserves thanking
The 'Moria' music from Fellowship of the Ring, it starts off quite mournful but then rises as the Fellowship see the beauty of Dwarrowdelf (sorry to non-LOTR geeks who don't get the reference)
In Dreams from the Fellowship soundtrack because as Clive and Apple have said it is beautiful and carries exactly the right message
Kissing You from Baz Lurhmann's Romeo and Juliet, it is my favourite pieice of music ever
and finally...
Bring it all Back by S Club 7 because it is my diving song, the song I play in my head to cheer myself up when it's dark and scary.

Your Funeral Song

Post 83

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


Yes, that is all so beautiful! 'Kissing You" is lovely! And so is the song you linked to, Galaxy Babe..

When we planned my brother's funeral, the funeral director had to explain that there wasn't time for all the music we wanted! If my family were to play all the music *I* want, they'd have to hire a venue and have a specific concert... smiley - smiley

Your Funeral Song

Post 84

Pink Paisley

For my mother in law I'd like to nominate a song from "The Wizard of Oz".............

Ding dong the witch is dead.


Your Funeral Song

Post 85


I think I'd go for "So What", the Metallica version....
And also by Metallica, "Shoot me Again"...

Your Funeral Song

Post 86

benjahv: windswept and interesting

not my idea, johnny cash ring of fire for a cremation

Your Funeral Song

Post 87


I always thought that Ring of Fire was a more approbriate song for the aftermath of your annual chili cook-out? smiley - groan


Your Funeral Song

Post 88

benjahv: windswept and interesting

smiley - laugh

Your Funeral Song

Post 89

Dai the Death, "My other sink's a Porsche"

smiley - smileyWell, I have a sort of mix in mind when the time comes, the start of Disoc Inferno as the curtains open or the platform descends, that great intro followed by "Burn baby burn" then fading to Somewhere Over The Rainbow/What A Wonderful World by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole which is just stunning.

Mind you if my mothers there she would kill me for the Disco Inferno bit!

Your Funeral Song

Post 90


If i were mega rich i'd want to hire Jean Michel Jarre and have a full concert at my funeral.
oh, and everybody has to drink a lot of Jack daniels.
and no-one's allowed to cry.

Your Funeral Song

Post 91


Suprisingly, everyone I talk to has very strong views on the music played at one's own funeral, it's as if we still wish to inflict the pretentious claptrap we bored our friends and relatives with when we were alive, in death as well. The problem is that when your chosen music is played at the end of the service, there is a mass exodus earnestly trying to escape from the ecclesiastical browbeating that they have been receiving at the hands of the officiating priest/minister, not to mention the frantic howls from hyperactive grandchildren as they are dragged out of the church. So make it short and snappy....why not The Crazy Frog?

Your Funeral Song

Post 92

Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to

being the typew of persion i am i ould not allow my funaral to b to serious so it would have christmas in heaven by monty python and always look onthe bright side of life maybe the druken philosafers song becuse i like it to

other than that pink floyed dire straghts and chis rea would be there to not shirure in what order ot titals not that it will matter as i full intend to live for ever theres far to much to see and do withoud dieing or sleep gettting in the way

Your Funeral Song

Post 93

The Rocking Monk - a beard with an idiot hanging off it

This is a subject that I have perhaps given far too much thought to over the years as I have already considered and discarded "Fire", "Feelin' Hot", "Agadoo" and "The Chicken Song".

I've currently got my heart set on Rolf Harris's version of "Stairway to Heaven"

'How does it make you blokes feel?'smiley - tongueout

Your Funeral Song

Post 94


I think the nature of your funeral is key. If you opt for cremation then 'Fire' or 'Feelin Hot' as proposed by the Monk are entirely wickedly appropriate choices. If, however, you have opted for a more traditional burial, then the irony of these songs is somewhat lost. In these instances then I would suggest plumping for that one that goes "I am a mole and I live in a hole" in a deep voice.

Or, alternately, a song that covers all choices, is 'Wipeout'. That manic laugh and the beefy 'WIIIIIPEEEOUTAHHH' at the begining before the surf baby geetar kicks in would be great.

Your Funeral Song

Post 95

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

The obvious one for a burial would be The Jam's "Going Underground". smiley - evilgrin

Your Funeral Song

Post 96

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Or Jamiroquai's Deeper Underground smiley - biggrin

Your Funeral Song

Post 97


smiley - smiley

now I'm also thinkin David Bowie, Goblin King, kidnapped baby, a Labrynth..

'Ooooo get met get me get me out of here, cos I'm, I'm, I'm underground'

Your Funeral Song

Post 98

Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to

or the living dead an ounk rock song cant remeber who did it now that would be amusing

Your Funeral Song

Post 99


Just wanted to add to this thread;

Agnus Dei from "Song of the Shadows" by Joseph Martin.

How boring. smiley - tongueout

Your Funeral Song

Post 100

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

Im thinking something like the 'burn baby burn' bit or Queens Another One Bites The Dust.

Maybe, Im already There by Lonestar, purely for the chorus.

But no matter what else, I want the Final Fight music from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, ep, Chosen.

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