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Your Funeral Song

Post 41

bedmechanic keeper of the tongue in cheek and guardian of the empty wallet

I think the song(more of a prayer realy)to be played at my funeral
would have to be Jump by DEREK and CLIVE(Petre Cook and Dudley Moore)

It's not very musical but should raise a few smiley - laughs and maybe a few hacklessmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Your Funeral Song

Post 42

another primate (called rik)

It has to be Unfinished Symphathy by Massive Attack (probably at the end, as it can be both depressing and uplifting... It's also my favourate song)

I might also throw in Roads by Portishead 'cause it'll make everyones bottom lip wibble.

yes... funerals should be joyfull celebrations of folks lives, but you have to have a wee bit of lip wibbling at the very least!

Hope none of you need to use your choices soon!


Your Funeral Song

Post 43

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

And of course you can always change your mind right up to the last minute.
smiley - cheers
So, I'd like to change mine now, please.

Delete Jimi Hendrix's version of 'All Along the Watchtower' and give me Bob Dylan's 'Desolation Row'.
I won't be there to hear it anyway and it's just been pointed out that most folks come to funerals for a good wibble so they probably should get what's coming to 'em.


Your Funeral Song

Post 44


Ok; maybe I can change mine too. I like "Oh blah di oh blah da" by theBeatles and also "My life" by the BEatles.
"Unchained melody"by the righteous brothers is nice too. "Time,goes on,so slowly, and time can do so much...."
I still like the Mr. Jones Stones one though; what song is thatanyway?

Your Funeral Song

Post 45

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

My Life by the Beatles, that's a good idea.

Your Funeral Song

Post 46

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Crematoria: "Firestarter" by Progidy.

Bad Idea/Good idea?

smiley - huh

Your Funeral Song

Post 47

Number Six

Well, personally I think it sounds great! I'd rather have that than some of the more cliched stuff that's been mentioned on here... but then funerals are strange occasions and I'd guess it really depends on the deceased and their family and friends.

smiley - mod

Your Funeral Song

Post 48

A Super Furry Animal

After much consideration, I'm going for Dear God by XTC.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Your Funeral Song

Post 49

Rains - Wondering where time's going and why it's in so much of a hurry!

Oddly enough, I've never been to a funeral with much music smiley - erm, so I've never devoted much thought to the matter (although I like some of the suggestions on here - Hendrix's All Along the Watchtower is a classic smiley - ok).

Part of me thinks Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter by Iron Maiden would be my funeral tune; certainly people who know me would find it funny.

To be honest, I don't really know what I would want, as I'm not going to be in a position to care much about it anyway smiley - winkeye. And I hope that no-one has to consider this question any time soon!

Your Funeral Song

Post 50

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Is that in any way similar to the Dear God song by Elton John? (Or is that a silly question smiley - blush)

Come to think of it, the Elton John song *might* be a good idea... on the other hand, maybe not.

Your Funeral Song

Post 51

Ridiculous Chicken† - a very absurd little bird

Just read the comment about wedding songs... "Broken arrow" and the Bryan Adams Robin Hood song... noticing a theme there! Seeing as my fiance and I are both archers, and met at an archery club (no, really!) both of those would be very appropriate!

I NEED a Robin Hood smiley, or at least a one!

Your Funeral Song

Post 52


Ridiculous Chicken,

In view of your biography, being a toxophilite and an exponent of the noble art of rural terpsichore, have you considered "Barwick Green"?


Your Funeral Song

Post 53


My choice would be 'Into the West'.

Just seems right, sounds and words wise

Your Funeral Song

Post 54


I've decided to get my money's worth out of the occasion of my departure. My choice is the hymn "I bind unto myself today the strong name of the Trinity". Nine verses - having the defiant spirit of the admirable phrase "Not on my watch" - and two contrasting tunes.
For a flavour of what the tunes are:
St. Patrick's Breastplate:
and Gartan:

Your Funeral Song

Post 55

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Good choice, Miriavas, if you mean the song from LotR... it was written in memory of a young NZ filmaker who died at 17 of leukemia.

Plaguesville, yours is brilliant as well.

Your Funeral Song

Post 56

saranoh - good girl gone Essex

The Verve - 'The drugs don't work' smiley - biggrin

Your Funeral Song

Post 57

Number Six

Which was responsible for one of the most accidentally funny moments I ever encountered... a couple of years ago, I was in a busy chemist's shop picking up a prescription for my erstwhile girlfriend, and 'The Drugs Don't Work' came on the radio.

Although I was the only one who even seemed to notice, or find it amusing.

smiley - mod

Your Funeral Song

Post 58

saranoh - good girl gone Essex

I read somewhere (don't know whether it's true or not..) that Siantra's 'My Way' was officially the most popular song played at funerals of people who've committed suicide.
Now *that* made me smiley - rofl

Your Funeral Song

Post 59

A Super Furry Animal

>> Is that in any way similar to the Dear God song by Elton John? (Or is that a silly question <<

I don't know the Elton John song. Do the lyrics go anything like this?


RFsmiley - evilgrin

Your Funeral Song

Post 60

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Nope, not the same, although those are interesting lyrics... I am googling for the Elton John ones.

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