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Your Funeral Song

Post 21

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

How are you, Also Ran? Getting on all right?

Your Funeral Song

Post 22

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Easy stuff.

Bob Marley - Three Little Birds. No funeral should be entirely sad.
Johnny Cash - Hurt. No funeral should be entirely comedic.
John Lee Hooker - Thought I Heard. No funeral should be without love.

smiley - shark

Your Funeral Song

Post 23


hmm. I would also like Nothing Else Matters, by Apocalyptica, not by Metallica. Apocalyptica makes metal using for Chello's (or Chelli? idunno) It's a very nice version...

Your Funeral Song

Post 24

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Oh, that song is brilliant!

Your Funeral Song

Post 25

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

We used his version of U2's 'One' for my dads funeral. My dad wasn't very musical but he liked JC, so it seemed right.

smiley - shark

Your Funeral Song

Post 26

Gnomon - time to move on

A famous Dublin comedian, Danny Cummins had "Blaze Away" played at his cremation:

"We'll make a bonfire of our troubles
We'll watch them blaze away
And when they've all gone up in smoke clouds
We'll never worry should they come another day
And as the bonfire keeps on burning
Happy days will be returning
While the band keeps playing
We'll let our troubles blaze away"

Your Funeral Song

Post 27

Researcher U1025853

I would say 'When I'm Cleaning Windows' but I am not having a funeral.

We didn't have a wedding reception, but at our very quick quicky we had about 10 seconds of 'Love Song' by Praying for the Rain.

Your Funeral Song

Post 28

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


An excellent idea.

Your Funeral Song

Post 29

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

I have a long standing deal with a certain mate that the two songs played at my funeral should be the trad. song 'Jug of Punch', cheifly for the last verse which run "If I get drunk then me money's me own, if you don't like me leave me alone' and The Crazy World of Arthur Brown's 'Fire!' because a) it's funny b) probably highly appropriate and c) it'll delight some of my family and give the rest heart attacks.

smiley - ale

Your Funeral Song

Post 30


Baz Luhrman's Sunscreen.

Your Funeral Song

Post 31

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

A mate of mine was at a cremation yesterday and they played Smoke Gets in Your Eyes as the curtains closed...smiley - smiley

Your Funeral Song

Post 32

Mu Beta

'Wipeout', with a pre-recorded maniacal laugh by me.


Your Funeral Song

Post 33

HarpoNotMarx (((2*1)^6)-6-(2*8)=42

"One of those rivers" by Dodgy at the start
"Eye in the sky" by Alan Parsons Project at the end

[although I do like the idea of Arthur Brown' "Fire"]

Your Funeral Song

Post 34


Not sure about mine, but my husband wants me to sing 'I will always love you by Whitney Houston', of course it will be terrible and everyone will think it was a serious request and be all embarrassed at my dreadful singing. I think that would be the desired effect. In a strange way I hope I go first.

Your Funeral Song

Post 35

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

I want my funeral to conclude with "Bring Me Sunshine", at which point the minister will don a brown overcoat and skip off into the distance, raising one arm and leg alternately.

Your Funeral Song

Post 36


At age 17 I informed my younger sister that I wanted Tesla 'The Way It Is' played at my funeral. I found ut a few years later that she had reallly liked the song, but now couldn't listen to it ?smiley - blush oops!
But that defo.

Your Funeral Song

Post 37


We're a pretty morbib bunch aren't we? Amazing the sense of humour on this thread. smiley - winkeye
Maybe the song should relate to cause of death; heart attack by ONJfor said, Hazard for drownings, etc.
maybe too tacky?
that smoke gets in your eyes at the cremation was a little ick for me; but I suppose anything can be done with class........
(I can't believe I am talking aboutthis on agorgeous,sunny Saturday!)

Your Funeral Song

Post 38

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

According to my mate not everybody picked up on Smoke Gets in Your Eyes. He was waiting for a couple to crack up but they missed it.

Your Funeral Song

Post 39

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I always quiet liked "In Dreams" from the credits of Fellowship of The Ring - but I'd have to be very brave to request that. smiley - winkeye

smiley - popcorn

Your Funeral Song

Post 40

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

It would be good, though Clive.

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