A Conversation for Ask h2g2

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 81


My birthday party was a flop.
You were left standing at the altar.
They are going to a Bar Mitzvah.

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 82

Gravity Welles

I've being seeing someone regularly.
You seem to be stuck with one guy lately.
She might as well be married.

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 83

E G Mel

I get their attention
You flirt
She's a s**g

Mel smiley - hsif

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 84

Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly

i was totally discreet, i'm sure o one could hear me...
heard the bad news...
you'll never guess what happened today, this guy at the restaurant had a screaming fight with his wife over the cell, yelling about "medication" and doctors, at the end he yelled something about a divorce and stormed out of there, everyone was staring at himsmiley - yikes

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 85

E G Mel

I work Hard
You're studious
He's a nerd

Mel smiley - hsif

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 86


I take pride in my handwriting.

You shouldn't write in such a hurry.

He is a doctor.

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 87


I get up, wash, dress and leave the house in fifteen minutes.

My wife spends ages in the bathroom.

Have you met my teenage daughter?

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 88


I am occasionally abrasive.

You often annoy people.

Oh, look. There's Vanessa Feltz.

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 89


Like it! smiley - laugh

I speak 7 languages fluently.

I don't know about the other 6, but you seem to be having trouble with English, in any case.

He can barely get by in any foreign language, but speaks seven quite badly.


1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 90


Hmmm, lets see;

I don't make friends easily
You are shy
He has never said anything interesting


I am very popular
You put yourself in the centre of everything
He has his fingers in everything, whither we want it or not.

smiley - smiley Is this the idea?

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 91

The CAC CONTINUUM - The ongoing adventures of the Committee for Alien Content (a division of AggGag)

I like to experiment with new ideas.
You have an intellectual sense of adventure.
He'll try 'anything', and not just once.

smiley - biggrin glad to see this thread continues to stimulate some thought,

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 92

Lady Godiva

I am tactful
You should speak up a bit more often
He never has an original thought.

I call a spade a spade
You're rather blunt
He's like a bull in a china shop.

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 93

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

I'm just interested.
You here too?
He's stalking me!

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 94

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

I ate my share.
We are paying our part.
He went to the loo
and never came back...

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 95

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

I *like* TJ Hooker. smiley - grr
You're Weird. smiley - weird
He's got a gun! smiley - run

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 96


I have condensed this thread into an entry.
You who have posted, will find it on your page.
He/she who has not can find it here A744257.

Alji smiley - zensmiley - wizard

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 97

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Cheers Alji!

smiley - biggrin

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 98

Martin Harper

I'd like to think of this of this entire thread as a living testimony to the necessity of a gender-neutral third-person pronoun. The amount of gender-EXclusiveness is quite breath-taking.

I can't be bothered with such trivia
You are using discriminatory language
Sie is a sexist pig.

( A753833 )

-Xanthia (who really wants one of those monument-destroying lasers from Futurama)

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 99

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Feel free to think of this thread as a living testimony to whatever turns your crank Xanthia, but now that you've raised the ugly head of the 3rd person gender problem, you must allow me this moment to rant about the lack of gender specificity in the first and second persons.

I know what I am.
You could be either.
They are a mixed bunch.

smiley - biggrin

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 100

Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly

"they" is generally an acceptable alternative to he/she, even if it's grammatically iffy. "someone called, i'm not sure who it was; they didn't leave a message."

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