A Conversation for Ask h2g2

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 61

Tamara's another day

I don't sit on the fence
You need to look at things from both sides
He is a bigot

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 62

Encapsulated Life Pod Number 3- Muse of Gibberish

I like eating honey and lying on my back watching clouds.
You are a useless, shiftless, gut-stuffing honey maniac.
He (it?) is Winney The Pooh.

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 63

unremarkable: Lurker, OMFC, LPAS

"gut-stuffing honey maniac" smiley - laugh

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 64

You can call me TC

1st: I'm just checking my e-mails, dear!
2nd: Could you free the line please - I'd like to ring my mother some time this week.
3rd: smiley - online2long

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 65

Chris M

I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.

You are a mercilessly indiscriminate and cruel prankster. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin rules.

Screw Him for breaking my Nintendo. Pass the Doritos.

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 66


smiley - huh

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 67


I like to become reasonably conversant with anything I encounter. smiley - angel
You have an addictive personality. smiley - erm
He is a net junkie. smiley - online2long

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 68


I use all available time
You are not very punctual
"He'd be late for his own funeral"


1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 69

Researcher 185181

I'm confused.
You can't help me.
He gave up .......

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 70

Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly

i need to spend *some* time on h2g2, and other hours are taken!
"is this an obsession?"
she never does anything else.

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 71

Encapsulated Life Pod Number 3- Muse of Gibberish

I think therefore I am.
YOu only think that.
He needs to get out more.

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 72

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Self confidence is the key to my success.

You seem pretty sure of yourself.

He's a swaggering self-righteous egomaniac.

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 73

Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly

i'm not afraid to express my opinions.smiley - smiley
you're, er, talkative.smiley - erm
he never shuts up!smiley - grr

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 74

The Nitpicker

I am a freedom fighter

You are a terrorist

He is a member of al-Qaida/Islamic Jihad/the IRA/..........

(delete/fill in space as required)

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 75

Encapsulated Life Pod Number 3- Muse of Gibberish

I am a light switch.

You turn me on.

They are part of a manually controlled domestic system for the distribution of electricity and the timed production of light within the home.

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 76


smiley - weird

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 77

perfect pete

Estate agent perspective.

1.This property has unique decor.
2.The owner has dubious taste in decor.
3.There are mushrooms growing out of the rising damp.

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 78

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum


I have property with a lovely, evolving water frontage.

You're having erosion problems.

They should know better than to fight mother nature. She always wins st mud-rasslin.

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 79


I sometimes don't understand
You are confused
He couldn't follow toothpick instructions

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 80

E G Mel

My English is fluent
Your grammer needs some attention
They can't talk........

Why is this how most english think, there are other languages...

Mel smiley - hsif an English person

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