A Conversation for The Temple of Confusionism

I actually remember the six figure reference for where I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant musk rats with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walk

Post 841


Okay, for Pandora's sake, the rest of the message said

"...i do. Anyway, on April Fools' day we were told that because of the escalating situation in Iraq, and because firemen were striking, all non- essential training would have to be cancelled. So we were told we had 1/2 an hour to pack all our stuff. We got back downstairs all packed up and ready to go and were told what a hilarious joke had been played on us. And Arthbard is super-groovy-cool."

I actually remember the six figure reference for where I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant musk rats with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walk

Post 842

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - bigeyesFiremen? smiley - bigeyes

I actually remember the six figure reference for where I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant musk rats with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walk

Post 843


Er...Yes, I think so...Something like that, yes. But I think they were big, fat, dirty ones.

I actually remember the six figure reference for where I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant musk rats with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walk

Post 844

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - starPOOF smiley - sadface You sure know how to squash a good thought.
smiley - bigeyesOooooo...were they fat because they're wealthy<?> smiley - bigeyes

I actually remember the six figure reference for where I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant musk rats with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walk

Post 845

Researcher 185550

Noooo- ooo, the reason they're striking is because they dont' think they're being paid enough. They're fat because of kwashiorkor.

I actually remember the six figure reference for where I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant musk rats with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walk

Post 846


Yes. And they're dirty because of the dirt.

I actually remember the six figure reference for where I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant musk rats with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walk

Post 847

Researcher 185550

It might, whilst we're on the subject of April Fool's jokes, be from trick soap- the sort that has a lump of charcoal under the surface. And they have access to a lot of charcoal, in their job.

I actually remember the six figure reference for where I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant musk rats with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walk

Post 848


Well...Yes, but wouldn't they also need access to lots of soap for this trick?

I actually remember the six figure reference for where I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant musk rats with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walk

Post 849

Researcher 185550

Well, the thing is that they each have access to one bar of soap, which they then coat the charcoal with, and then place somewhere their least favourite person is likely to use it. So no, not really.

I actually remember the six figure reference for where I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant musk rats with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walk

Post 850


Ah, yes...But if they put their one bar of soap around a chunk of charcoal, doesn't that make it a little more difficult for them to clean themselves?

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 851

Researcher 185550

Yeah. They need cleaning then I suppose. Hadn't thought about that.

On the plus side, neither have they.

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 852


Ah, good point. That would explain why they're all so dirty.

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 853

Researcher 185550


Maybe they should wash. Pandora could help them.

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 854


Hm...That doesn't sound so bad...Maybe I should try this bathing with charcoal thing.

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 855

Researcher 185550

Oh, I don't know. I think it only works if you're a firefighter, or a male model, or something like that.

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 856


Damn. Well, what if I'm just a male, without the model. Oh, that would make me a male man. What about that? Can male men receive this cleaning?

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 857

Researcher 185550

For a price. And probably not from pandora.

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 858


Well...Depending on the price...And who's going to do the washing...

*hopes the answer to the second part isn't Roadkill*

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 859

Researcher 185550

Rest assured it won't be me.

*Hopes Arthbard isn't going to ask him to do the washing*

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 860

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - bigeyes Ooooo I'd wash MY mail-man anyday...any day his wife wasn't around.smiley - whistle
...*writes on the sidewalk in charcoal...* Free bathes ths way-->

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