A Conversation for The Temple of Confusionism

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 861


Ooh...Free baths...

*examines charcoal for fine print*

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 862

Researcher 185550

I don't think there is any. I can't quite remember why you're getting a free bath though.

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 863


Probably just because I'm really cool and stuff.

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 864

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - tongueout...yeah, an' sutff...smiley - bigeyes

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 865

Researcher 185550

The stuff particularly. Yeah.

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 866

Pandora...Born Again Tart

Yeah!!! smiley - devil

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 867

Researcher 185550

What actually is the stuff we're talking about, by the way?

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 868

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - tongueoutI know what *I'm* talking' 'bout.
Think man, think! smiley - bigeyes

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 869


I theorize that the stuff in question would be my Evil Dead DVDs, though I could be mistaken.

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 870

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - sadface

...*write across the sky...*
::::::::::I'M OLDER THAN YOU FEEL:::::
smiley - zoom~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 871

Researcher 185550

I think you are sorely mistaken Arthbard.

I haven't felt you for a while Pan, so I wouldn't know.

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 872

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - sadface Thasss my point. smiley - cry Nobody smiley - bluerubs me anymore!smiley - wah

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 873


Well...You know, I could give away free baths, too.

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 874

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - bigeyes

smiley - biggrin Could you rub my head one way whilst rubbing my tummy another direction<?>

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 875

Researcher 185550

smiley - sadface

*Gives Pan the extra- special Roadkill-o-rama rub*

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 876

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - tickleENOUGH!smiley - laughsmiley - puffThat wasn't EVEN funny!

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 877


Well, it was a little funny...I mean, how dare you, Roadkill! That was completely inappropriate!

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 878

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - bigeyesYeah, what he said.smiley - tongueoutShow him how it's done. smiley - winkeye

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 879

Researcher 185550

smiley - sadface

Oops. I must have got the two confused.

How bout if I give Arthbard the Roadkill-o- rama rub while he's rubbing Pan?

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 880

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - bigeyesYou mean...the three of us<?>

What to wear, what to wear...smiley - bigeyes

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