A Conversation for The Temple of Confusionism

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 881

Researcher 185550

smiley - laugh

I reckon Arthbard's probably got a few suggestions.

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 882

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - bigeyesReally? smiley - boingDo tell!!!!

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 883


Um...Clothes. Definitely clothes.

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 884

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - ermThat's a pretty 'established' point of view for someone using such a tag after his moniker.
smiley - tongueoutI vote that Arthbard either change his tag or...smiley - eureka
smiley - yawnGETsmiley - yawnNAKED! smiley - biggrin

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 885

Researcher 185550

smiley - laugh

I vote that too!

Arthbard, as you are the subject of the vote, your vote is forfeit, so I think that's a unanimous decision.

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 886

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - zenI'll wait right here.

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 887

Researcher 185550

I think I better arrange a blindfold for myself...

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 888

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - headhurtsOhmyhell!~~~~~~~smiley - run
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~smiley - run
~~~~~~~~~~smiley - runsmiley - puffforgot my video recorder.smiley - bigeyes

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 889

Researcher 185550

It's ok, Arthbard hasn't turned up yet.

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 890

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - bigeyesWhat do you mean by "up"<?> LOL!!! smiley - winkeye

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 891

Researcher 185550

smiley - laugh

You have your video camera<?>

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 892

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - starRoll film!smiley - ok

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 893

Researcher 185550

Excellent. Did you hear that you can develop a film with coffee? Gives photos a really pleasing hue. Like sepia, but slightly less brown.

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 894

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - huh

I've heard of rinsing coffee thru hair...dying cloth with coffee...but this is a new one on me!smiley - ermI don't have any coffee. Never touch the stuff.

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 895


Oh, alright, point taken. I'll do both!

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 896

Researcher 185550

smiley - laugh

Yeah it looks very good. You have to treat the coffee with something though, so you can't drink it smiley - sadface.

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 897

Pandora...Born Again Tart

A-Man...actually said, "Point taken!"

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 898

Researcher 185550

smiley - laugh

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 899

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - yikessmiley - crossThaaassss no way to awaken a lady!smiley - flusteredEven if it's ME! smiley - puff

smiley - headhurts

Arthbard<?> smiley - biggrinsmiley - bigeyessmiley - boing

smiley - tongueoutThere. Now arn't you much more comfy<?> smiley - zen

I actually remember the telephone number for where I decided that I was going to learn to paint giant two- toed sloths with one radio at a cave so I could look like Dubya Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a truncheon of ham fit for me.

Post 900

Researcher 185550

smiley - grovel Sorry Pan.

*Tries to sooth pan with the "melodic" tones of his voice and guitar*

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