A Conversation for The Temple of Confusionism

I actually remember the duck I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant grapefruits with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walking on that was willing

Post 801

Researcher 185550

Seconded by me.

Where did the comment about the apricots come from?

I actually remember the duck I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant grapefruits with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walking on that was willing

Post 802


It came from somewhere deep within my head, where bizarre, surprisingly, and usually senseless things frequently pop up with little or no warning. And who put that fruit bat, there?

I actually remember the duck I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant grapefruits with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walking on that was willing

Post 803

Researcher 185550

It happens to me all the time.

I actually remember the duck I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant grapefruits with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walking on that was willing

Post 804

Pandora...Born Again Tart

Oooooo Lookie!!! Snow!! smiley - surfer...*wonders why those chaps thinks anything odd ever takes place here???...grabs the gold ring as she goes 'round...*

I actually remember the duck I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant grapefruits with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walking on that was willing

Post 805

Researcher 185550

Top knotch performace my dear girl.

I actually remember the duck I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant grapefruits with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walking on that was willing

Post 806

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - biggrinsmiley - ta

smiley - crossHey, what else would you ecpect from moi`??? smiley - winkeye

I actually remember the duck I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant grapefruits with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walking on that was willing

Post 807

Researcher 185550

I just thought you might like to hear it confirmed.

I actually remember the duck I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant grapefruits with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walking on that was willing

Post 808

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - kissWhat did you say? smiley - winkeye

I actually remember the duck I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant grapefruits with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walking on that was willing

Post 809


He said he thought you might like to hear it confirmed.

I actually remember the duck I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant grapefruits with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walking on that was willing

Post 810

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - bigeyes Jussss can't get 'nuff of those sweet nothings! smiley - kiss

Ooooooo Ooooooo Speaking of sweet!! Hope you will come to the Valentine Dance at The Crossed Purposes Pub...jusss click onto the icon.....or link or whatever on my spiffy new home page....thanks to one: Tonto.
smiley - cupidsmiley - love
...*goes spinning off to the dance...*

I actually remember the duck I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant grapefruits with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walking on that was willing

Post 811

Researcher 185550

AH no all alone.

I actually remember the duck I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant grapefruits with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walking on that was willing

Post 812

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - cuddleYou're NEVER alone here Roadkill. Like it or not! smiley - biggrin
smiley - cupidsmiley - love

I actually remember the duck I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant grapefruits with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walking on that was willing

Post 813

Researcher 185550

smiley - smiley

I suppose it's not true though. I'm babysitting on valentine's day.

I actually remember the duck I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant grapefruits with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walking on that was willing

Post 814

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - ermWell, if, you're, but, smiley - puffhow can you be "alone" if you're baby sitting?? smiley - huhAre you babysitting yourself then? smiley - winkeye

I actually remember the duck I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant grapefruits with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walking on that was willing

Post 815


Is there something wrong with babysitting yourself? I'm the best babysitter I ever had. I let myself stay up as late as I want and have all of the sweets I can eat.

I actually remember the duck I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant grapefruits with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walking on that was willing

Post 816

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - crossWhat?!? No alcohol?!? smiley - bigeyes And you call yourself a "good"
baby-sitter. Ha~smiley - footprintssmiley - footprints

I actually remember the duck I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant grapefruits with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walking on that was willing

Post 817

Researcher 185550

Do you let yourself watch scary movies?

All right, not all alone, just not *with* anyone. Y'know?

I actually remember the duck I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant grapefruits with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walking on that was willing

Post 818


Um...Well...I don't know...I do watch them alone...But even then, I do tend to be with myself...I...Er...That's a confusing question...Congratulations.

I actually remember the six figure reference for where I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant musk rats with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walk

Post 819

Researcher 185550

Thank you.

I actually remember the six figure reference for where I decided that I was going to learn to raise giant musk rats with one loobrush at a platypus so I could look like Bruce Forsyth. Took most of an invisible ray to locate a minisub of smoke fit for walk

Post 820

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - tongueoutI watch scarey movies everytime I go to sleep.
smiley - ermWell, they'er not actually moveis. Not yet anyway. But that's where I get ideas for my screenplays. And I'm always alone. Even when I'm in a crowd. And I'm NEVER alone, even when I'm all by myself. smiley - zen

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