The h2g2 Post 18.12.08

1 Conversation

Dr Mo

Posted: 18th December 2008



smiley - snowballA Merry Christmas from all at The Post!smiley - llabwons

I had really good intentions this year. I planned to get organised early and, not only that, but do most of my shopping online to avoid the crowds. In the end, I ended up going to Andalucía instead, and I currently have just one present sitting under my tree. And that is still in its carrier bag.

I'm also further behind the rest of you, because my Christmas day comes early. We all work at Christmas, so on Sunday 21st we'll be at my Nan's house unwrapping presents and tucking into game paté (apparently). I don't know if it's because there's less money around this year, but everyone seems really keen to know exactly what to get everybody this year. I've had innumerable text messages and the odd email from family asking what Lainey and I want, and I almost prefer the days when everyone got you a terrible jumper and a CD with apologetic receipt attached. Everything was a surprise, especially when someone was extra-thoughtful and managed to think of something you wanted. I fully intend to buy everyone completely thoughtless presents, preferably in 3-for-2 offers – I'm just looking forward to spending a quiet day with the family, particularly my Mum and brother.

There. That was a lot less painful than last year's.

So here we are at last, then – the final issue of the year. It's a particularly good issue because our competition entrants are here: we have 18 entrants in total for you to vote on, including two incredibly good Vogon poems. We will be closing the voting at midnight UK time on New Year's Eve, so have a read over Christmas and get your votes in early if you can. In the rest of the issue, our Regulars have all come up with some excellent festive-themed articles, we have some excellent culinary pieces from Reefgirl and Shazz that were too tasty not to re-run, and new cartoons from TonsilRevenge and EvilClaw. And don't miss our festive wordsearch and anagram quiz, too!

A huge thank you to the Team for this issue, particularly B'Elana who has certainly earned her Christmas break! I got back from Spain to find that everything was pretty much sorted out, so all I had to do was roll up and complain about stuff. You've all been wonderful, not just this week but throughout the year.

Finally, our deepest sympathies to Lil, whose sister-in-law Anne died on Monday evening. I'm sure I speak for many onsite when I say our thoughts are with you, and of course with Vicki Virago and Virtuouschuffed, at this sad time.

The next issue is in three weeks' time, so our next deadline is 4th January 2009. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you all!





smiley - cracker smiley - snowball  smiley - snowman smiley - holly smiley - reindeer smiley - holly smiley - snowman  smiley - llabwons smiley - cracker



  • Candle

  • An acrostic poem by PedanticBarSteward

  • Candle

  • Another acrostic poem by B'Elana

  • Candle

  • An acrostic poem, funnily enough, by minichessemouse

  • Candle

  • You get the idea. This one's by our lil




smiley - cracker smiley - snowball  smiley - snowman smiley - holly smiley - reindeer smiley - holly smiley - snowman  smiley - llabwons smiley - cracker





smiley - cracker smiley - snowball  smiley - snowman smiley - holly smiley - reindeer smiley - holly smiley - snowman  smiley - llabwons smiley - cracker






smiley - cracker smiley - snowball  smiley - snowman smiley - holly smiley - reindeer smiley - holly smiley - snowman  smiley - llabwons smiley - cracker



smiley - cracker smiley - snowball  smiley - snowman smiley - holly smiley - reindeer smiley - holly smiley - snowman smiley - llabwons smiley - cracker







smiley - cracker smiley - snowball  smiley - snowman smiley - holly smiley - reindeer smiley - holly smiley - snowman  smiley - llabwons smiley - cracker




h2g2 NEWS

smiley - cracker smiley - snowball smiley - snowman smiley - holly smiley - reindeer smiley - holly smiley - snowman smiley - llabwons smiley - cracker




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