The h2g2 Post Christmas Anagram Quiz 2008

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This year we delve into the world of television quizzes.

Unravel these titles and remind yourself of quizzes both past and present!

Award bonus points if you know the most famous presenters whose initials appear in the brackets.

smiley - cracker smiley - cracker smiley - cracker 

  1. A BELT TO CHECK - 3 words (TT, BF, NV, JT)

  2. A YOUNG EAGER HEAD - 4 words (DM)

  3. ADD A LONE ROLE - 4 words (NE)

  4. BALL TANK BY KEN - 2 words (TW, LD, LS)

  5. BRACER EYES QUILT - 2 words (BM)

  6. BUSH FOOLS BLUE - 3 words (BM)

  7. CALMLY BLUFF - 3 words (RR, RR, BH, FB)

  8. CAT HAS PERCH - 1 word (RW)

  9. COWS STIRS - 1 word (BC, TO)

  10. CUT DOWN ON - 1 word (RW, DL, DO)

  11. DRAPE JOY - 1 word (DH, SJ, PR)

  12. 'EATEN WHELK' SKIT - 3 words (AR)

  13. FLING DOG OR GO - 3 words (HK, JS)

  14. GOD HOLES TENTH - 3 words (BM, NV, CW)

  15. HACK ROTTEN FRY POTS - 3 words (GB)

  16. HERETIC PIG SHIRT - 4 words (LC, BF, JP)

  17. I MEND TRAMS - 1 word (MM, CA JH)

  18. I PUT WOE - 1 word (PD, BM)

  19. MANIFESTLY FOUR - 2 words (BM, LD, VK)

  20. MET LAZER YACHTS - 3 words (RO, ETP)

  21. SHY MALE TWIN - 3 words (EA, DJ, AR, EF)

  22. SLIMY HAKE FAT - 3 words (RR, AT)

  23. STUBBLE ROCKS - 1 word (BH, MA, LT)

  24. YOU ON MOULDY BEER? - 3 words (HG)

smiley - cracker smiley - cracker smiley - cracker 

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