A Conversation for H2G2 Space Centre

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 1

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

This is your commander speaking. Darth Noire, and comany, it's good to hear from you again. I've enlisted the help of this civilization, the nomadic Mangols. My evil ways are new to them, and they veiw me as a god ~whisper~ the fools. ~normal speach again~ My coordinates are X315 Y55075 Z44321. Beam me over when ready. Their ships will gladly help our cause.

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 2


Red, it's good to have you back! We are pleased to see you are safe from the transporter mix-up

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 3

Darth Noire

Hello Commander, glad to find out you're ok! I'll beam you here immediately.

And Mangols, thank you again for saving him. I am sure you will be a great help on our mission - now after I have beamed him here, just follow the Raven and your god will be pleased. *grin to herself*

Lenore, lock to coordinates X315 Y55075 Z44321 for Red and get him here. And send a message to Mangol ship to confirm that he is here to make sure that they will follow.

*in a flash of light Red appears on the bridge of Raven, healthy and well-being*

*smile* Welcome back, Commander!

Lenore, hail all other S.T.U.M.P.E.D. ships to find out what they are up to.

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 4

Garius Lupus

*The Mangar heads out into space and prepares for the jump to hyperspace.*

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 5


*The Raven's sensors follow the Mangar to a location near a strange looking nebula, where the Mangar dissapears altogether*

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 6

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[a message flashes on Corrigible's screen: "Temporal Displacement"]

Guys, there's a temporal displacement going on.

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 7

Grey Spectre{Vote Masque for Dictator of H2G2!!!}

Something odd is going on, Most likely cause is related to the Nebula that the Mangar was sighted near, probability: 86.25%.

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 8

soeasilyamused, or sea

thanks grey!!! got lost there for a second...
temporal displacement? hmm... what do we do about that?!

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 9

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

Howabout we temporally displace ourselves? Everyone, follow the transmitted coordinates... [large amount of numbers]

[Unfortunately, the Sith Infiltrator is the only ship capable of pulling off that sort of maneuver, so it is the only one that does so, vanishing in the space-time continuum]

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 10

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[it reappears]


The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 11

soeasilyamused, or sea

and my question remains, so i will reiterate: what do we do now?

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 12


*Yet another pie floats by*

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 13

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

Er ... howabout we fly up to that nebula and see what's what?

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 14

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

~Beams onboard looking as healthy and relaxed as anyone wearing a helmet shaped like a skull possibly can.~

No, if that Nebula doesn't get them, we will. The system their in is uncannily close to the Zork system. If all of our ships (how many is that at last count? Did we lose/gain any while I was away?) I think that with the Mangols we should be able to blockade the Zork system. Now's the time to reveal my hand. Although I am taking money from a Warlock in the Zork system, I'm actually working out of my sheer desire to put an end to Afgncaap5. The Krymla Leader has been instrumental in setting this all up for me, as he too is anxious to be rid of his "better half".

Or does that collide with continuity? And if so, can it be exlplained by the transporter mix up?


The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 15

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

Who knows?

But we gained a ship: my Sith Infiltrator. And I used it to blow up my old BowTIE Interceptor.

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 16


(It doesn't break the laws of continuity, and even if it does, you've just had your memory slightly altered by the transporter mixup)

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 17

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[The Sith Infiltrator flies toward the nebula, along with all the other ships]

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 18


*Right past the pie*

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 19

soeasilyamused, or sea

um... okay, what is up with the pies?!?!?! they're going to mess up my pretty Azrael!!!!

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 20

soeasilyamused, or sea

oh yeah, and i forgot to ask again...
what is the purpose of this mission????? it might help if we refresh our memories of the intended result...

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