A Conversation for H2G2 Space Centre

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 81

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C


[The Millenium Bug flies off into hyperspace]

[Y2K] Oh dear. He's turned to the Up Side of the Schwartz. smiley - sadface At least he's still at the Dark Side of the Force.

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 82


*Well, this is one more problem CLI won't have to deal with till they leave the planet!smiley - smiley See ya later!*

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 83

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

~Red docks the POE inside the Raven, which seals up without any noticable seam in the hull. He unloads his "secret weapon", Montressor, who has become encased in ice. Red is unhappy. In fact, he is throughoughly pissed. He kills at least one extra with his bare hands on his way to the bridge~

Now hear this. We've crippled the CLI fleet, but unfortunately the Mangar itself remains relatively in one peice. The crew is alive and on the surface of the planet Zork. Luckily, I'm an improvisational villain. Here's the new plan. One, maybe two of us take a ship to the Zork surface, locate the Mangar, and engage in sabotage. I'll need volunteers for that duty. While you're there, a shiny new homing device on the ship might be in order, as well. Don't kidnap Irving again, he's worthless, even to them. If you do manage to bring back some *other* hostage -- not a red suited extra, a real hostage -- all the better.

Everybody else, we prepare the fleet to fall back to Rodentar Space, where we'll be the strongest. The Mangol fleet is amassing near there, and their nomadic culture allows their entire force to be at our disposal. Alert the Rodentars to build some decent ships, post haste.

Volunteers for the surface mission will see me in my quarters now.


The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 84


*Just so you know, I'm going to try and turn this plot into an IF game*

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 85

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[Y3K] What's IF?

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 86


*IF stands for Interactive Fiction, or "Text Adventure" as some may call it. A perfect example of IF would be the original nine Zork games, all of which were text. Currently, while writing text adventures isn't a good way to get money, it's a fun hobby, and you can get well known for it if you work at it. Anyway, I was just thinking that this storyline might make a good IF game. If only I could get the Parser to understand me...*

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 87

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[Y4K] Next question: do you know of any RPG-making computer programs?

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 88


*The Bard's Tale Construction Set*

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 89

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[Y2K] And why are you speaking with asterisks on either side of your sentences?

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 90

Grey Spectre{Vote Masque for Dictator of H2G2!!!}

*Suddenly looks up confused*

Y2K, who are you talking too?

*The asterisks mean he's not really saying any of those things as part of the story, as though the charcters can't hear them.*

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 91

Grey Spectre{Vote Masque for Dictator of H2G2!!!}

*Beams aboard the Raven and walks into Red's quarters*

I'd like to volunteer commander. I believe my cloaking abilities would come in handy and there is one... personal... kidnapping I'd like to pull off as well. Perhaps I could bring him back here for questioning and then use him for my own purposes.

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 92


*Yes, I'm talking in asterisks because you can't hear them. No matter what I say, the characters aren't allowed to react to them. I could be insulting every person on this forum, and you couldn't stop me! HAHAHAHAHAHA!*

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 93

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Alright Grey Spectre, permission granted. Do you want to do this alone? Or with a partner? I'm personally going to the surface on... slightly different buisness. I hope to personally stop the signing of the treaty. If I'm too late, your role will be the vital fallback. The rest of the crew will be returning to the Rodentar system to bulk up our blockade of that system.

Will someone take Montressor to the Cargo hold and thaw him out with the heat lamps?

Refule my POE, please, Lenore

Yes, sweety

This is getting to be too much.


The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 94

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[Y2K] I'm going down, too.

[Y3K] Yeah. The three of us together should be enough to stop YK and YC!

[Y4K] I think I have an idea about how YC feels about being the last.

[Y2K] Yeah, these posts do seem kinda lonely with only three people saying something. smiley - bigeyes

[Y3K] Don't worry, we'll get him back.

[Y4K] I have a bad feeling about this.

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 95

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

NOTE: Montressor has been thawed.

Alright, Darth Corrigible and Company, you have my permission to go to the surface. I'm heading there myself now, but for a different landing site.

Here are the last known coordinates of the Mangar, they should have landed around there someplace, there are some very good, secluded landing sites in this area ~hands over an electronic map with the Mangar's last known location marked in red to every part of the away team. Adjusts map on Lenore's screen.~

Here is where I'll be landing. Much closer to the populated areas, but I've got an SEP feild around my ship that should help avoid any unpleasantness. I want to cut off the Mangar Crew and stop the actual signing. Alright everyone, you have your orders. If you need clarification, Lenore is monitoring my communication frequency.

~Red boards the POE after Montressor has been loaded in, and prepares to land on the planet's surface~


The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 96

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[Y2K] Great!


[Y4K] Forget I had a bad feeling about this!

[The Sith Infiltrator nosedives, flanked by the Pie Interceptor and the BowTIE Fighter]

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 97

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

~The POE launches, and lands saftely on the planet surface, under an SEP field, near the embacy, in a back alley area populated only by ants, rats, and one or two beggars, who are too drunk to notice.~

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 98

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[The Sith Infiltrator, with strategically placed ysalmiri, flies over the surface of the planet with the cloaking device activated; It is noticed only by Peeves the poltergeist, who is to annoying to either help or hinder them]

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 99


*An adventurer wanders down the field. He is carrying: a coconut cream pie, a key lime pie, a brass lantern, a spell scroll, a blue key, a red key, a ruby, a nasty looking knife, and the magic goggles in the game "Zork Zero: The Revenge Of Megaboz" that let you see through solid objects and see invisible things. The adventurer (in the same general area as Red, but not really looking for him) puts on the goggles. He seems surprised at the contents of a neary apple barrel*

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 100

Grey Spectre{Vote Masque for Dictator of H2G2!!!}

I'll keep this ship up here and beam down to the surface away from any possible inhabitants. I've got enough extra power packs that I could probably stay down there cloaked indefinately as long as I keep a few hooked up to geothermal recharging.

*A flash of light and grey is gone. He reappers on the planets surface out of sight in a natural cave. He immediately sets up his geothermal recharger and lays out all his supplies. He then throws up an SEP over the cave entrance. He exits and cloaks*

According to this map the Mangar ought to be around here somewhere. It'll probably be shrouded by some anti-detection field so I'd better release the drones. You can't disguise tactile senses yet. Wait... Who am I talking to?

*Shuts-up and pulls out a small pouch of detector drones. The drones are microscopic so as not to be noticed.*

Now to retire to my cave and wait. Uh=oh I'm doing it again

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