A Conversation for H2G2 Space Centre

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 21

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

We're trying to sabotage the Mission to Zork.

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 22

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

He's got it right. And soeasilyamused? I'd be careful with your nickname postscripts. The word "mistress" opens you up to all sorts of allegations and expectations involving the rest of the crew of this ship.

Our purpose is to prevent the Mangar from returning to the H2G2 Space Center with the signed treaty from Zork. If they reach Zork and get the treaty signed in the first place, we get to use lethal force in stoping them from going on the return voyage. I suspect it will all end in my being exiled to some far off planet, supposedly never to be heard from again, or possibly spinning off into the void in a one man fighter a la Darth Vader in the original Star Wars movie (Episode IV). (I may mention that Vader is by far the most impersonated persona on this ship.)

Okay our ships are as follows, if my memory serves:
The Raven
Two Stolen CLI fleet ships
Grey Spectre's one man fighter
Darth Corrigible's Sith Infiltrator (or was that someone else's?)
Two newly engineered Mangol Battle Carrier
Six brand new Mangol Warbirds
13 Experimental Mangol Fighters

We should be able to blockade the planet of Zork fairly effectively with this armada. It's much more usefull than the Rodentar Armada. Lenore, on my mark, engage for the Zork system.



The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 23

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[Really cool effect of the ships getting into formation and zipping into hyperspace or the equivalent for each]

Incidentally, the Sith Infiltrator is mine, but it was sent to me by my old master, Darth Sane.

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 24

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

I just wanted to be sure. We have enough Sith Lords here as it is.

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 25

soeasilyamused, or sea

*innocent look*
why, whatever do you mean, allegations and expectations????????
*small devious smile*
i'm sure i don't know what you're talking about. perhaps you could do me a really big favor and clue me in???
oh yeah, and don't forget my ship, the Azrael... but it's not that impressive. it just looks good.

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 26

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

Allegations and expectations? I speck.

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 27


(To Clarify-this is the deal with the pies: at the very beginning of this mission, when we opened the airlock, the only thing in the hangar that wasn't nailed down was a very large crate of pies that started floating through space. In short, it's my way of bookmarking the thread and still having it say something.)

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 28

soeasilyamused, or sea

i see. thanks for the clarification. the pies make much more sense now.
hey, red, would you be so kind as to explain the expectations of the crew of the ship for me??? are you implying that since you guys are dark and evil, i should be your mistress???
*pauses for a moment, thinking, then shrugs*
i see no problem in that.
*devious smile*

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 29

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

We'll, us guys are dark and evil, yes, but so is Darth Noire, and so is Lenore (the computer) and so is Montressor (the Android). Are you going to be their mistresses too?

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 30

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[Montressor comes in and says, "I see nothing wrong with that."]

Sorry, I couldn't resist doing something in the Force like that. smiley - winkeye And what if one of us is gay?

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 31

soeasilyamused, or sea

hey, i'm open to new experiences....
lol just kidding. um... i don't swing that way. sorry darth noire, and lenore... hmm.
maybe i will change my nickname thingy. how about something like, "soeasilyamused, empress of all that is dark and evil..." no, because that implies that i rule all of you-- not such a bad implication... smiley - smiley
"soeasilyamused, goddess and ruler of her evil empire..."
hmmm... i kinda like that one...
how about: "the high priestess soeasilyamused"????
or: "the goddess soeasilyamused"???

and just to clarify, it doesn't seem to me that any of you are gay, but if you are, more power to ya. smiley - winkeye

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 32

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[Interior: Sith Infiltrator: Bridge]

[into radio] Howabout ... er ... hang on a moment. Or maybe not.

[to camera] Just a sec.

[exits the bridge of the Sith Infiltrator via what appears to be an elevator, but we can see out of the set through the door]

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 33

soeasilyamused, or sea

uh... bathroom break??? smiley - winkeye
hmm... how about "the much adored soeasilyamused"? or...... something like, "soeasilyamused- adore me!" worship me? hmm. much thought will go into this...

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 34

Garius Lupus

soeasilyamused, the dark and evil one

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 35

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[Y2K] 'throom break? No.

[Suddenly, three other ships come out of hyperspace: a Pie Interceptor, an illegally-modified YT-1300 Corellian freighter, and a BowTIE Fighter.]

[Y2K] Oh, I'd like you to meet my clones: Y3K, in the Pie Interceptor, Y4K, in the BowTIE Fighter, and YC, in the Millenium Bug.

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 36

soeasilyamused, or sea

how about "the much adored and worshipped soeasilyamused"
hey, i like the sound of that one...

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 37

Garius Lupus

how about:


smiley - smiley

Are we getting a little off-topic here? Granted, the Mangar has dissapeared for now, and there is not much to do.

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 38

soeasilyamused, or sea

didn't they go back in time?


The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 39

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Back in time? I hope not. That would throw off our coordinates. ~The Raven re-enters real space with its entire convoy of ships, all fully armed and prepared to blockade the Zork system. A new invention of the Mangols is used to sheild all of Red's ships from Zork detection...~

The Voyage of the RaveN III: The Return of Red

Post 40

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

by the way, how about "soeasilyamused, mistress of darkness"?

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