A Conversation for The Gam Room Storytellers

So is this`?

Post 81


Still don't get it. I mean, if we mean actually make a movie, then that's never gonna happen. Sorry but it isn't.
If we mean make a script, then, well isn't everything we're writing sorta the script. So why do we need anything.

Now if we just wanna brainstorm funny things like who plays what part and how we premiere the movie then I am fine with that.

So is this`?

Post 82

aPerson, An Angelastic (and alliterative) Acronymaniac

I believe that's exactly what we're going to do - brainstorm funny things like who plays what part etc.

So is this`?

Post 83


oh, then I guess we can disregard my last post in Lets make a movie!
As for the premiere, I see: SPANDEX!!!!! EVERYWHERE!

So is this`?

Post 84


I hate to be pushy, but I don't seem to be listed as of yet.

So is this`?

Post 85


I'd help you, Icarus, but I've got two serious impediments:

1) I'm lazy
2) I don't run the entry

Although, you probably weren't talking to me. Sorry.

Okay, I see this in the movie. Two words: CAMO CAMEO! I mean, spandex would be great, but we need camo in it somewhere. I've noticed growing popularity in it as of late. So, we should have several CAMO CAMEOs, and award points to those who notice them first! I think there should be a prize for every ten points.smiley - smiley

So is this`?

Post 86


camo??(forgive my ignorance but what?)
As for the opening day commercials I see: TALKING DOGS, and a cameo by that dog from Fraiser. People over here just love that dog. And we also trick every station into thinking we have given them exclusive footage of aliens or something and then they run it (without watching it before hand because they are stupid) and it is just commercials. And each commercial has the MST3k PANTS SONG. And spandex!!! and, okay I'm overstimulated so I am gonna go to sleep.

So is this`?

Post 87


You are now. If I've missed any requests up til this point, let me know. smiley - smiley


So is this`?

Post 88


I requested planetary domination years ago, but no ones given it to me so far.smiley - fishsmiley - sadface

So is this`?

Post 89


Thank you very much. I didn't even know I did choreography...

So is this`?

Post 90


Hey! I requested planetary domination too. But all of a sudden I'm the big bad guy for wanting to rule the world with an iron fist. Damn nato.
But seriously, camo?

So is this`?

Post 91


Didn't you say you did the backwards E-major juggling unicycle thing? smiley - winkeye

Af: Sorry.. I knew when I posted that I should have specified _staff_requests_. smiley - winkeye


So is this`?

Post 92


Staff requests? Hey, I'm a member of the staff, and I am *REQUESTING* world domination! I don't see what's so hard about this. All I want is a warm bed, free seafood and drinks, a kind word, and unlimited power. Is that really so much to ask?

Anyway, yes a camo cameo. I just put one in, as a matter of fact.smiley - smileysmiley - fish

So is this`?

Post 93


but serisouly, camo? is that like a Camouflaged cameo? a hidden one.

So is this`?

Post 94


Camo is a kind of . . . strange clothing, originally worn by military personnel. Now it's a strange kind of leisure outfit worn for guerilla strike attacks, hunting, and just for the fun of it. It looks like . . . well, imagine a bunch of green and yellow leaves sown into a long sleeved T-shirt.

So is this`?

Post 95


I guess I understand what you meant now. And the word camo as a type of clothing sounds familiar but not enough that I really remember what it is. Your description makes it sound like regular military uniforms you see in movies. Are these leaves just what the coloring affect looks like or is this for people who want to lay flat in fields and be undetected because of synthetic plants glued to their outfit?

So is this`?

Post 96

Notsteve (who is a bo selector)

I havn't been following this conversation.
But I really really wanted to make an entry and get some attention.
So I'll pose a riddle to you all:
Which one english word can fill both of these gaps?:
My _______ is _______ than my wallet.

So is this`?

Post 97

Garius Lupus


So is this`?

Post 98


Well, that's true. Or were you looking for another answer?smiley - fish

So is this`?

Post 99


Hmm, time for random thing to say number 586: "Has anyone seen my rubber chicken"

So is this`?

Post 100


I think Icarus may have absconded with it. smiley - winkeye

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