Created | Updated Sep 10, 2003
If you would like to have an Announcement displayed on this page, please note the change in submission e-mail address for Announcements, at the bottom of the page.
Upcoming and Proposed Meets
The Alton Towers Meet 2003 is to be held on the 19th to 21st September. To find out more or to put your name down to go or show interest, then pop along to the meet homepage, and read all about it.
Dutch Meet 2003
Plans are being finalised at The Dutch Researchers Club homepage. The Meet will be taking place during the weekend of 26th - 28th September. So far there are signees from the UK (an italic no less), Luxembourg, The Netherlands, France and, possibly, Germany. If you are interested in attending or just finding out more, then pop along to The h2g2 Dutch Meet 2003 Page.
The Bradford Broccoli
(Being the latest in the ongoing vegetable-titled adventures of The Flat Cap and Muffler Sports and Social Club - Affiliated)
The proposed agenda is as follows: Meet in the fair city of Bradford on Saturday, October 4, 2003. Go to the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television and later attend its TV Heaven section
for a private screening of episodes of The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy and Blake's 7. Then sample some of Bradford's justly famous curry and conclude the meet in the time-honoured fashion, with a pub quiz and plenty of ale.
Interested parties should send their ferrets over to The Bradford Broccoli homepage.
East Midlands Mini-Meet
An East Midlands Mini-Meet is currently being planned Here. The date and location are provisionally set as Derby, Saturday 15th November. So far there are six prospective attendees and more would be welcome!
The First Official Ireland Meet
This has been scheduled to take place on 22nd November, 2003. All those interested in attending should drop by
the Ireland Researchers page to find out more and sign up!
Oxford Meet
Discussions are underway on this page. It looks likely that the Meet will take place sometime at the end of October or beginning of November and will include ice skating, eating and drinking.
Devon/New Zealand?
Researcher Nick mentions this strange combination in this conversation. Any takers or ideas welcome.
The purpose of this Entry is to provide a Zone for Researchers to inform each other of their free time and movements so that they can hopefully find out when and where all or some of them can meet up in the future with the minimum of inconvenience to enjoy each other's company out there in the real world.
An important event on the calendar! The Village de la Vavoom's Second Annual Harvest Festival 2003 is now in full swing. Some stalls still need hosts and some are already up and running. Enter competitions, visit the circus, eat ice cream or popcorn or just call in for a convivial time and a few drinks.
Like football? Master B has set up a Phantasy Phootball game for the 2003/2004 season - why not go along and have a go? Because you know you can do better than the manager of your favourite down-on-their-luck football team, right?
Language Thing
We are here for people who speak in one language (or more) to, if they wish, talk to those who don't but aim to. Or do, but need practice. All languages are welcome. Hopefully you'll work a sort of swapping 'Looking for mate to jabber High German to whilst they practice Latin on me'. Subscribe and tell all what you either have or want; currently a sort of email based thing, please discuss if you have a better idea.
Since the dawn of H2G2 (and probably the net, too), Smileys have been accepted as accurate forms of communication of feelings and/or ideas. We would like to expand on the idea of the smiley, just a little. We call ourselves CAVE [The Campaign to Allow Violent Emoticons]. Our mission is to make violent, explosive, destructive, or otherwise cruel and unusual smiley images a part of H2G2.
Cello Club
A club for everyone who plays cello, wants to play cello, pretends to play cello, or thinks that celli look good.
United Bedroom Confederacy
Declare your bedroom a Republic and join the fight against Sockism. Not to be taken seriously.
The h2g2 Circus
Come one, come all, to h2g2's very own Circus! See the many circus attractions, such as the Renowned Flying Jodeus Brothers, or snack at Greebo's Doughnut Stall!
The Associative Arms Pub
Come and associate in an associative pub, where each table is located in a different time-space location, and crossing the bar is a miracle of willpower over physics even when you are sober.
The Post Links Page points you towards the best of h2g2. Everything from information and campaigns to eating and drinking venues, virtual lands or clubs.
The Post Archives are a repository for all things Post related. Divided into easy-to-use categories, they get bigger at a frightening pace. Well worth a visit, whether to re-read a favourite article or catch up on something you missed.
All entries for this feature should be mailed to [email protected]