h2g2 Post 11.09.03

4 Conversations

Posted: 11thSeptember 2003


'The times they are a-changing'

Much consternation was caused at the beginning of the week by the latest announcement from the h2g2 editors. In essence it said that there is major reorganisation going on at the BBC and h2g2 is cutting down to only two full-time staff. Although the website can, basically, carry on as normal, the italics will not be posting again here until the 22nd September and no new Edited Entries will appear during this time. Despite rumours to the contrary, The Post knows no more than all you other h2gers but remain optimistic. Perhaps with the advent of the Underguide - now occupying a place on the Front Page - a small cut-back in Edited Entries every day will not be quite as harmful as some may think. Whatever the outcome, we wish the current staff the best of luck and hope that those leaving h2g2 will be gainfully (and happily) employed elsewhere by the BBC.

Today sees the second anniversary of the tragic attacks in the USA. Looking back, it was good to see just how the community responded and, for those that want to see the best side of h2g2, The Post have an Archive of all the articles relevant to that sad time.

It is with regret that we have to inform regular readers and fans that there will be no more articles from Dr Deckchair Funderlik. After his recent holiday in Ireland, where he had no internet access, he feels that he has managed to kick his h2g2 addiction. He had been neglecting his website design business too much and feels that, certainly for the time being, he should concentrate on that. He has said, however, that he may well find time to write for us again at some point in the future.

On a brighter note, just about all your regulars are present and correct this week, so enough rambling from me and onto The Post proper!



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