FrontPage Archive - October 2002

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1 October 2002

Japanese SymbolsThe Editors' Selection for Tuesday

In light of the phenomenal success of the World Cup, more and more of us are travelling east to Japan to discover the highlights of that beautiful nation. Today's great entry on Handy Japanese Phrases will help you distinguish your Chikan from your Keikan...

Today's Other New Entries

The Creation of Carbon-12
Reading's Rising Urinals
How to Make Vinyl Bowls
Basketball - How to Take a Charge

2 October 2002

William ShakespeareThe Editors' Selection for Wednesday

Sex that's underage and violence bloody

Treachery that comes from one's best buddy

This playwright's skill is one that we revere

Today's fine subject is the bard - Shakespeare...

Today's Other New Entries

Risk in an Industrial Society - Theory and Practice
Matches - a Story of Light and Dark
The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

3 October 2002

The Stewart TartanThe Editors' Selection for Thursday

From woad-daubed Scottish rebels to style-challenged punks and golfers, there's something about the large-checked material known as tartan that fashion just can't ignore. Find out more about its long and noble heritage in today's excellent entry A History of Tartan...

Today's Other New Entries

Cracker Barrel - USA Restaurant Chain
Mersea Island, Essex, UK
The Minoan Civilisation of Crete
Gross Domestic Product

4 October 2002

Hare and tortoiseThe Editors' Selection for the Weekend

More often than not, time is precious and we have little to spare for the nicer things in life like reading. Well hang on to your hats, ladies and gents, because the h2g2 Community have collaborated to bring you this wonderful entry on Fables in 200 Words or Less...

Today's Other New Entries

The Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra
Physical Football - Bend It Like Roberto Carlos
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Album

7 October 2002

Punk hair-doThe Editors' Selection for Monday

Disenfranchised, ignored, and often impoverished, the men and women at the heart of Punk Music in Britain were an angry lot. Not for them the 'no spitting' rule either. Read on to find out more about this important social and musical phenomenon.

Today's Other New Entries

Odyssey of the Mind
The Wines of Tuscany, Italy
The Doppler Effect

8 October 2002

Bond - James BondThe Editors' Selection for Tuesday

It's all Martinis, girls and guns today as we celebrate the 40th anniversary of Britain's top secret agent, 007. In the first of a series of exhaustive entries, we look at The James Bond Films - 1962-1967.

Today's Other New Entries

Gender-Free Pronouns
Anti-Flag - The Band
Prefab Sprout

9 October 2002

Cars in a jam.The Editors' Selection for Wednesday

Today's acutely-observed entry - Driving - Good and Bad Habits - takes us behind the wheel for a look at both the skills and peccadillos that define the expert and the road hog alike.

Today's Other New Entries

Canned Compressed Air
The James Bond Films - 1969-1979
Charlestown, Fife
Chain Stories - a Game

10 October 2002

Minoan ArtThe Editors' Selection for Thursday

Today's entry on A Tourist Guide to the Minoan Civilisation takes the unsuspecting h2g2 Researcher on a trip round the historic island of Crete and explores some of the island's not-so-hidden treasures.

Today's Other New Entries

How to Make Peanut Butter
Jim Clark OBE - Racing Driver
The Moonlight Towers of Austin, Texas, USA
The James Bond films - 1981-1992

11 October 2002

A film clapper boardThe Editors' Selection for the Weekend

Harry Potter in Northumberland? Dr Zjivago in Helsinki? James Bond in the Brent Cross Shopping Centre multi-storey car? What the hell's going on?! Today's Community entry on Great Film Locations, that's what. Read on to find out more...

Today's Other New Entries

'The Glass Is Half Full' - Good or Bad?
The James Bond Films - 1994-2002
'Shoes' - the Royal Bank of Scotland Advert

14 October 2002

A comedy gun going 'bang!'The Editors' Selection for Monday

As the saying goes 'guns don't kill people - people kill people'. Today's entry on Gun Safety is eminently sensible and very well written. Read on to find out more...

Today's Other New Entries

Copying Vinyl Recordings to CD
Bluffing Your Way in Pokemon
Malcolm X - Spiritual Leader
Nitrogen Narcosis

15 October 2002

A man deliberating over 'it's' and 'its''.The Editors' Selection for Tuesday

An incorrectly-placed apostrophe can rob a text of all its credibility. It's not difficult though. Today's entry, The Correct Use of the Apostrophe In English, outlines a few simple rules that will soon have you placing your apostrophes with pinpoint precision. Read on to find out more...

Today's Other New Entries

Building a Debris Shelter in the Style of a Squirrel
The Times Crossword
Capercaillie - the Bird
Money and the Power of Belief

16 October 2002

Mayan artThe Editors' Selection for Wednesday

We may think that many of today's sports are a bit bloody and gruesome, but they are nothing compared to Pok-Ta-Pok - the Game of the Ancient Maya. This is a game that involves gore, glory and great ball control. Read on to find out more...

Today's Other New Entries

Being a Gay Sportsperson
Gratin Dauphinois
The Jesus and Mary Chain - the Band

17 October 2002

Timothy the dog from Enid Blyton's Famous Five!The Editors' Selection for Thursday

Today's entry, The Life and Works of Enid Blyton, looks at one of the most popular and prolific children's authors of all time. She published over 600 novels, poems, plays and short stories and today we salute her legacy. Read on to find out more...

Today's Other New Entries

Gayndah, Queensland, Australia
A Fruit for All Seasons
Old Mill Crab House, Bethany Beach, Delaware, USA
'Oink!' - the Controversial Children's Comic

18 October 2002

Tasty cakes!The Editors' Selection for the Weekend

As everybody knows, cake is one of the most important food groups (after fizzy drinks and crisps), and it's also one of the most exciting to make. So take your first steps towards confectionary excellence with this week's collaborative entry - great Cake Recipes...

Today's Other New Entries

Locks of Love - the Hair Charity
Anita Blake - Literary Heroine
Yyteri Beach, Finland
Traveling Wilburys - the Band

21 October 2002

Lenin, first leader of the USSRThe Editors' Selection for Monday

The 20th Century was a time of massive upheaval in Russia. Find out more about the people behind the 'Iron Curtain' in today's excellent entry, A Brief Introduction to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics...

Today's Other New Entries

Devon Rex Cats
The Game of Ayo
Botswana - Nxai Pan National Park
One-Liner Jokes

22 October 2002

Adrian Mole homageThe Editors' Selection for Tuesday

The world of literature often throws up an unsuspecting hero that the reading public takes to their hearts - from the dashing Biggles to the demure Jane Eyre. Today's entry looks at a hero who is a little less exciting than that though... read on to find out more about Adrian Mole - the Fictional Diarist.

Today's Other New Entries

History of the Hard Core Wrestling Match
Camembert Cheese
Long Night of Museums, Berlin
Squash - the Sport

23 October 2002

Morecambe and WiseThe Editors' Selection for Wednesday

The English are famed for their humour, their self-deprecation, and comic timing. None epitomised these qualities more than the comedy geniuses Morecambe and Wise. Read on to find out about two fondly remembered British entertainers who made the nation roar with laughter. Wahay!

Today's Other New Entries

Low Vision Aids
The Transcendental Meditation Movement
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
'Thundercats' - the Animated Series

24 October 2002

A US squaddie in VietnamThe Editors' Selection for Thursday

The Vietnam War is now almost as long ago as the Second World War was for the people of the 1960s, and newer battlefields have taken its place in Hollywood's eyes. However, h2g2 takes a retrospective peek at The Vietnam War Through the Eyes of American Filmmakers for a fresh look at an old war. Read on to find out more...

Today's Other New Entries

Cross-country and Downhill Mountain Bikes
Diggers' Heavy
Johnny Vegas - Comedian and Actor

25 October 2002

A forgotten pop starThe Editors' Selection for the Weekend

This week's collaborative entry answers one of the most perplexing, misleading and fascinating questions the music business has ever inspired - just what is a One-hit Wonder. Trust us - there are more than a few surprises in this one...

Today's Other New Entries

John Coltrane - Tenor Saxophonist
AIDS HIV - General Information
Long-distance Romantic Relationships - A Survival Guide

28 October 2002

Horse racing and Chinese lanternsThe Editors' Selection for Monday

While the Sun may have set on one of the jewels of the former British Empire, English traditions on the island won during the Opium War live on. Read on to find out more about Horse Racing at the Hong Kong Jockey Club and what makes it so unique...

Today's Other New Entries

Denise Marsa - the Mystery Voice on the Song 'Lucky Stars'
StarCraft - the Game
Turkish Delight
Horse Chestnut Trees

29 October 2002

Shooting hoopsThe Editors' Selection for Tuesday

Basketball is a complex game that needs good ball control, swift dribbling and a keen eye for a sneaky shot. Today's entry on The BEEF Principle takes you through the motions of how to shoot the perfect hoop.

Today's Other New Entries

A Survival Guide to Music Festivals
Auto Union Racing Cars
The James Bond Themes
Chelmsford, Essex, UK

30 October 2002

A prime suspect in 'Cluedo'The Editors' Selection for Wednesday

It's the longest-running open case in murder history - just who did kill Dr Black in the library of Tudor Close with a spanner? Read on to find out more about the mystery of 'Cluedo' (or 'Clue') - the Game...

Today's Other New Entries

SCUBA Regulators
The Greek Alphabet
How to Calculate the Square Root of Any Number by Hand
Theseus and the Minotaur

31 October 2002

Baba YagaThe Editors' Selection for Thursday

Appearing in hundreds of Russian and Eastern European stories and fairy tales, Baba Yaga - Witch, Crone and Archetype - has fascinated and instructed many. Today it's your turn to find out more about Baba Yaga!

Today's Other New Entries

Cross-country Skiing
Kalakukko - the Traditional Finnish Fish and Bacon Pasty
You Don't Know Jack - the Computer Game
Rules to Help you Find your Remote Control


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