A Conversation for Silver Sword - Heroville Town Square

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 341


smiley - laugh</>

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 342


: -Heh.

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 343


[Sharp]: *notices some more green-heatless fires burning a little ways apart from the first one.*

"I knew there'd be some sorta energy restoring stuff, or some kind of health fountain somewhere's!"
*steps out of the way of a blast of flames*

"Now I wonder where the h*ll a 'health-fountain'would be at?"

*casts rock* aimed to go at a straight line for the dragon's screeching mouth/the source of the flames.*

"Maybe this'll shut it up, eh?"

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 344


: Oops! I just posted in the wrong thread! smiley - dohsmiley - blush That was supposed to go in the cemetary thread. smiley - footinmouth

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 345


[Sharp]: ...
*Had been recalling what had just gone by/(is going by ?!) @ the cemetary*

*Gets out the close-lidded jar w/the heatless piece of green fire in it.*

"Hmm, I'll put in an entry on that in one of the blank Mage's field Guide pages, too..."

*writes up observations of/on it, does a sketch*

"Maybe this stuff is Aether(/ether) of a slightly different sort/composition? It seems to be some sort of a smiley - magic energy restorative."

*takes some notes*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 346

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - erm eh ... what just happened?
smiley - towelNerd42

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 347


: I had accidentally posted to the wrong corresponding thread. turned it around by having it be a "temporal-flux" kinda thing. Sharp was seeing it as a flashback. I wasn't doing that on purpose, but I figured to improvise and work w/my mistake anyway. I'm not gonna do that "flashback" of a different thread's post thing again, since in retrospect it would have the potential to get annoying/give headaches.

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 348


We should just smiley - laugh. smiley - rofl</>

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 349


: smiley - huh. Oh. smiley - laugh. Y'see I's smiley - ok. smiley - laugh

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 350

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

*spits out a torrent of confused looking smileys*

on second thought ... i'll just ignore that bit and get on with my life ... smiley - laugh

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 351


*makes another entry, (on a different page)-about the smiley - magic beans.*

"...It'd seem that the other ones would all look to be stunted/dwarf versions of that first one."

*scratches head a bit (as though) in puzzlement.*

"...Betcha they'd still be good for growing to be about,-say,-maybe 30 feet (or whatever this realm's measuring equivalent is) or so (though)."

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 352


[Sharp]: *rolls/'wheels' out the barrel full of sling-shots from where it was at near his workbench, over to one corner of the store wall,-near the main display.*

*sticks a placard on the end of a stick in it *

The placard says:{
Y: "Slingshots." .
-4 copper apiece. }

*sets up a row of bags that each contain rocks and pebbles*
The sign for this reads:{
. : "sling-shot(s)." .
-2 copper a bag. }

"I hope that that doesn't lead to any confusion."

*smiley - laughs a little*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 353

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

u weren't liscensed to sell slingshots ... but they'd be OK i guess. you've got officially liscensed slingshots as of now
smiley - towelNerd42

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 354


: um, thanks. I was going to have those be one of the 'travel convenience' or 'mystery items.'

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 355


[Sharp]: *examines some of the smiley - magic beans*

"I do suppose that at the least, this dwarf variety,"

*adds it into a blank page of his field guide*

"Seems as though it would grow to be good for about somewhere between 15 to 30 feet tops."

*Shuts field guide after adding in a sketch of a smiley - magic bean.*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 356


There are a great many blue-prints that were made sitting on & near/around the table of Sharp's workbench, inside the turf-hut portion of the building (both rolled and unfurled. There are even also some crumpled ones lying in a waste basket).


*Takes down the one pinned to the wall near the workbench that was of the slingshot.*

*Tacks up one for a different type of fireworks rocket.*

*Starts working on that.*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 357

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Rockets? I've got to start placing some better defined limits on the technology level...
smiley - towelNerd42

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 358


What age are we in any way?</>

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 359


: No not ICBMs or heat seeking/guided (Yeesh!). smiley - doh Like paper/fireworks rockets, as were used in feudal China (I think). Fireworks are a pretty old invention, no?

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 360


[Sharp]: "If I set the wooden fins each aligned to a specific angle in the same direction (and evenly spaced apart), maybe it would spin?"

*sketches that into the blueprint.*

*then crosses itr out &crumples it*

*starts over*

"Back to the drawing-board..."

*smiley - laughs*

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