A Conversation for Silver Sword - Heroville Town Square

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 321


[Anole] takes grappler device*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 322


[Aeryn] *gets bored sitting reading the book, decides to wander down to the graveyard.*

(thinks) Hmm, graverobbing

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 323

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Gandark] smiley - bigeyes Thank you, sir.
smiley - towelNerd42

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 324


: hey Nerd42, do you like how I introduced 'Herbert' the smiley - ghostsmiley - skull into the p2p? Funny little smiley - ghost, isn't he?

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 325



*smiley - whistles,-making more 'gunpowder,' assembling more explosives.*

*places a smiley - coolsmiley - skull decal on the 'shell' cases for the 'super' gunpowder (has an idea for these new 'super bombs'-smiley - dontpanic).*

*places a smiley - star decal on the 'ice bombs.'*

*places a flame decal on the 'firepots'.*

*puts them into a box to sort out/deal with later.*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 326


[sharp]: *bottles some potions.*

*puts others into flasks w/cork stoppers*

*makes some more salves, balms & poultices.*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 327

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

what ever. smiley - winkeye I think I'd better post something at the Inn explaining that not everything that happens here is "official". It's sort of like how you have Paramount cannon Star Trek and fanmade Star Trek stuff, you know?
smiley - towelNerd42

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 328


: You're right. I was having Sharp do that for a purpose though...

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 329


: I wonder if there was fish-scales in the make-up they had Data wear... must've been itchy or uncomfortable/greasy stuff. The actors never seemed to mind, w/the putty I mean, but on a hot day...

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 330


Have we had any customers?</>

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 331


: 2. Gandark & Kylen. That's it. So far...

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 332


We better advertise</>

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 333


: smiley - erm, yeah.

I wanna put a little smiley - skull smiley @ the end of the receipts,-for the: "thank you, have a n*c* day. We hope to see you here again" type of thing. smiley - laugh.

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 334


: Where'd everybody go?

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 335


[Sharp]; *goes outside*

*waters the toadstool gnome*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 336


[Sharp]: "@ least it seems happier here..."

The toadstool gnome gives him 6 smiley - magic beans...-then promptly goes back to taking a nap.

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 337


[Anole] pops up from under the counter*
Yah, you called? I fell asleep.

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 338

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

yeah well you can't expect to have customers all the time ... at least not until this game gets really huge ... uhh ...
*shuts up*

smiley - towelNerd42

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 339


smiley - laugh</>

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 340

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - winkeye

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