A Conversation for Silver Sword - Heroville Town Square

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 1


A smallish (wooden block-house like) kind of a building, that is much longer on the inside than it looks on the outside, since part of it extends out into a turf-hut (w/smoke coming out of the metal-pipe chimney, when lit), & there is a large-tallish tree growing in the middle between the turf-hut part (back-of the store- part) and the blockhouse-type front part of the building (the store proper).
The tree functions to house a small 1 room second story, with a little observation-deck about-near the top of the tree.

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 2


: Strange smells of <medicine & potions & (yes, is that,- it is...even) gunpowder? waft out of the tiny pipe-chimneys and the main one, every once in awhile, and can be faintly detected every so often , from outside of it. It is the smell,..., of smiley - magic...of medicine, etc.

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 3

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

This shop is operating under an official liscense obtained in an out-of-game thread. Anyone wishing to obtain a similar liscense, please leave a message on my Personal Space listing the name of your proposed shop, physical description and a list of items you wish to be liscensed to sell.
Good luck, Sharp!smiley - goodluck

smiley - towelNerd42

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 4


: The fact that the front of the shop is a block-house; squat-sturdy wooden fort w/ a larger reinforced 2nd storey and a small-doored sentinel post, modified to be just a little walk-off on the roof, would ordinarily be rather imposing. The only imposing thing about it is the front doors which are heavy-duty oaken ones w/iron reinforcement bracings. Otherwise, it has a rather nice homey sort of a feel to it. That's because...

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 5


[Sharp]: *enters shop*
"Well, this is to be both a business and (some hidden secret ware-houses), and even a house-of-sorts..."
*unpacks stuff*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 6


[Aeryn] *enters store and drops sack of fungi-mansmiley - erm*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 7


[Sharp]: *slides the key to '(hidden) store-room C' over to near where she is, across the counter*
"So whadda we got here exactly, I wonder?"

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 8


[Sharp]: (to Aeryn): " you reckon maybe we should send for Gandark? Maybe he'd know..."

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 9


[Aeryn] *although fairly sure no one is ever this nice without a reason, and therefore very suspicious, Aeryn reluctantly takes the key. She wonders if she could use it as an apartment*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 10


[Sharp]: *Fumbles around, opening some packaging crates in the back of the front-room.*
"Would you perhaps like something...
A potion maybe...
Or a set-of-explosives?"
*Sets up some of the displays*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 11


[Sharp]: "You realize of course, That the reason why I called it a 'rent,' was 'cuz, I'm gonna need a bit of cash to keep the business running proper, y'know...Don't worry about it though, I'm not askin g for much, I mean i felt kinda bad about the way it kinda freaked you out befores." *smiley - laughs kinda nervously*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 12


[Sharp]: *goes back to unpacking products & other stuff*
"Hey, wonder where Anole went?"

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 13


[Sharp]: (To Aeryn): "This one's 'on-the-house,'/for-free, this time, 'cuz of see-in' as how if it hadn'ta been for ya helping us out over w/that whole Dark Forest fiasco...I'd probably be one o' those zombies right now..."

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 14


smiley - laugh I know I'm playing Aeryn kinda strange here, but it's gonna be a really boring type of RPG if the only bad guys are the NPCs. I'd like to be the bad/good person who steals, is rude, and who doesn't want to make friends, but will still help out (reluctantly) at times. It'd be such a waste to be a thief, and not be able to steal or be the one who hangs out in the shadows and has no friends. I'd like this to be pretty smiley - cool, so I want to get caught stealing, fight players, and be disliked etc.

Sharp must be the most tolerant mage ever, I'd have expected to be turned into a toad by now! If you think I'm going to far with the 'not-nice' stuff, just tell me and I'll tone it down.

[Aeryn] *empties purse onto counter.*
That's all I got. If you want to branch out to the pawn business, though, you could make yourself a decent profit.

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 15


[Sharp]: 8on top of the counter now are a set-of small bombs, and a glass bottle w/a longish-thin neck to it and a medicinal solution in-it.*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 16


: No, your not taking being mean too far. Sharp is being tolerant because, of course he is crazy,-he practices situational ethics fer crying out!
[Sharp]: *takes only a little, puts the rest back, and refuses to accept any of the rest.*
"Keep it, I don't want all of your money...I may be a merchant-now,-but I'm not that greedy"
*smiley - rofl*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 17


[sharp]: "So which 1 is it you want miss? I'll give ya one of 'em, yer choice."

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 18


: oops! I shoulda posted this one first! smiley - laugh
[Sharp]: *gets up off of the floor and still chuckling a bit, dusts himself off...*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 19


[Sharp]: "So which'll it be, the potion...or the set-of-small bombs? Don't worry, It's not a trick...If it was you'd of probably already have seen it coming from-a mile away, is what's wot."
*smiley - laughs @ himself a little*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 20


[sharp]: *w/one hand out (& careful not to upset the samples-of-goods out on top of the counter, he does a bit of a 1/2 habndspring to hop over to the other side of the counter and examine the plant-guy.*
"What have we here?"

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