A Conversation for Silver Sword - Heroville Town Square

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 301


[Sharp]: *returns*
"Had another smiley - run @ making a break for it quick in town."
*indicates (iron or steele)length of chain 7 bottle of slime from a gelly-eyesmiley - monster*
"I found these..."
*goes out again*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 302


[Sharp]: "And look, I even found,-This..."
*shows Aeryn the pieces of gold he got offa an armored-zombie*
"...I pushed 'it' offa the roof of a building"
*does an smiley - ok-thumb's up.*
*smiley - laughs*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 303


[Sharp]:*Assembles the now near complete 'auto-winch'*
(explanation): "It's like an grappling-gun,-but it is meant to be attached to an arm-band."

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 304


[Sharp]: "And I even ran into that Lizard-man salesman again. Bought this bag of mermaid scales,"
*shows it. The scales are blue, pink, green & purple (?)*
"Whaddya think of it?"

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 305


[Sharp]: "Maybe they can be traded in for something...somewhere...(or are used like a currecy)?"

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 306



*places down the bag full of mermaid scales*

*places down other stuff picked up.*

*puts away some of the junk he had piled out while emptying the dusty chest.*

*leaves the fancy-old fashioned (skeleton) key out-though.*

*& the 'auto-chain*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 307


[Sharp]: *leaves out the (still nearly-full) bullet bags.*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 308


[Sharp]: "I think, that those bullets in those bags: some of the bags have 'holy' ones in 'em, others have-'hexed' ones in 'em. & a few other ones have...'trick' bullets."
Note that a few are plain type too.

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 309

MadHank (Master of Forgeting, and Returning Awesome guy)

[Kylen] "Hey sharp wait!! Can I have those bullet bags?"

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 310

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Gandark] er ... my potions and ethers? Did you get them?
and uh .... yeah don't blow up the entire kingdom please smiley - laugh
smiley - towelNerd42

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 311


[Sharp]: "Why yes, you may..."
: smiley - huhI posted how much the potions & ethers cost yesterday... wish I could remember which post...

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 312


[Sharp]: "Oh. smiley - doh, yes, that's right, hang on a sec."
*gets a key to unlock a glass case.*
*retrieves said medicine*
"Here you go"
*'prints' out a similar receipt for Gandark, using a steam-powered/mechanical bit of machinery & a punch-card (of sorts).*
*hands him his bag (of purchased stuffs).*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 313


: I won't; How about the deal w/the 'super' gunpowder is that it's going to be more expensive than normal, as a trade-off since it will work/explode 'better' (more?). How's that sound?

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 314


: I'm smiley - sorry, I did take a look at the rules (some more), awhile ago before, & I am trying harder to follow the game rules, Y'know...

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 315


: the 'auto-winch' is for whoever wants it (smiley - ok?)... my character's pretty much set out &ready to go...

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 316

MadHank (Master of Forgeting, and Returning Awesome guy)

I think he was talking to me. smiley - rofl I won't unless i have to.

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 317


[Anole] drops for a hole in the ceiling from his room above*
Hi, how are things here Sharp?

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 318


[Sharp]: "I think they're smiley - runn-ing pretty well,-I just sorted through an old heirloom chest of antiques...(& went about making (ahem) a 'super' gunpowder...). If there's anything in there that you think/feel you may find useful, then you can have it, smiley - ok."
*indicates the dusty chest (full of stuff)*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 319


[Sharp]: "Yet, if'n ye'd like to help us to 'explore' the graveyard...the more the (pauses a sec. The word 'merrier' seems somehow out of place, given the location spoken of)...Well you get what I mean, eh?"

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 320


[Sharp]: "For example, while I was out salvaging...I found this perfectly good, (only sleightly used) 'auto-winch' device. Perfect for use with a chain or a 'grappler.' Looks like it is meant to be worn on an arm-band..."
*indicates the ('newly-refurbished'smiley - star) bit of portable machinery*

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