A Conversation for Silver Sword - Heroville Town Square

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 281


[Sharp]:"I wonder what else is in here..."
*digs through antiques/junk in the old,-dusty chest.*
A pile o' stuff/junk accumulates behind him as he goes...

:Candlestick-holder(part of a set of 2), an ornamental candelabera, some old fashioned smiley - wizarding wands, some ancient smiley - books, a tri-corner hat... (the feather plume in evident disrepair),- A lithograph album,-an old phonograph-like device,-a set of records...the audio-horn for the phonograph...etc.
: smiley - laugh
[Sharp]: *places a record on the phonograph*
*assembles the phonograph-machine*
smiley - musicalnote: harpsichord/clavichord music plays.
[Herb]: *smiley - skull*
*somehow winds up placed (by himself?) onto the phonograph player and is spinning about as the record ( w/on the needle) turns...*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 282


[Sharp]: *continues digging/riffling through the chest*

An old map...

Some (smiley - yuk)mouldy post-cards...(that it seems not even paper mites would want...)

A suitcase (!)...

No two...

Or so...

A very archaic looking old campaign banner: It says: "FIGHT THE WORLD" on it, in faded letters (sheesh).

A sock full of gold doubloons...

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 283


[Sharp]: *continues dumping stuff out...*

Some scarves...

A few leather 'crash' helmets w/(dusty)goggles. ...

"Aha! here we go..."
*pulls out a few:
(curiosly, still pretty full) bullet bags

A fancy old fashioned (skeleton?) key (it appears to have sliders (sliding pieces),...along the,-what would be the toothed side(!)).

& a strange device that "defies much description... (says so right on the label in a calligraphied script)." *
"Save that one,-for later"
*indicating the strange device*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 284


[Sharp]: *Indicating the smiley - weird key (with the sliders on it)*
"You just may find that (skeleton) key to be rather useful, Ms. Aeryn,-They discontinued making that make/model...about one empire ago...s'pposedly because,-'it worked too well' was the logic..."

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 285


[Sharp]: "useful, eh?"
*puts on one of the scarves*
One will note that his long-coat is tied w/ a smiley - weird gray-greyish sash...

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 286


[Aeryn] smiley - evilgrin Does it work on all locks?

Say no cos otherwise I wouldn't be able to use my cool picks smiley - winkeye

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 287


[Sharp]: "So now what?"

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 288


[Sharp]: "not on the new ones...but it's probably yer best bet...fer really old ones..."
[Herb]: *still on the phonograph*
*smiley - laughs rattling his smiley - ghostly bones...*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 289


[Sharp]: "I still have no idea what that smiley - weird machine is (for)..."
*notices a small label,-on the 'out' slot-hole.*
"I s'ppose ya stick sumthing in the other end...but what?..."
*smiley - huh*
"Maybe there's a piece missing...Who knows?"

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 290


[Sharp]: "I think Tha's all..."
*notices a music box*
*turns the crank/lever*
It plays a bit of a melancholy...baroque-nursery rhyme (?)

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 291


[Sharp]: *A sudden flood of memories overcomes him*
*snaps to...*
"Oh. I hope I wasn't yelling about my past again,-was I ?"
*smiley - blushes embarrassedly*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 292


[Sharp]: "You can have that if'n ye want..."
*indicating the fancy old-fashioned (skeleton) key.*
"One o' my ancestors..."
*ties back his hair for a moment.* one of Sharp's ears is pointy (!)*
And so is mine in real life smiley - laugh
"...made that...-I think. They was an smiley - elf. I may be one-hundredth-or-one-thousandth smiley - elf in my bloodline...insubstantial...but enuff for one pointy ear to show up once every couple a' generations or so..."
"A different relative was a thief though... That's how I knew you was one marm..."

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 293


[Sharp]: "-I think..."

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 294


[Herb]: "I knew him once...I think... No wait...Can't smiley - doh remember..."
*stops spinning*
*smiley - skullsmiley - ghost rolls off the phonograph & down onto the floor again.*
*smiley - laughs.*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 295


: Where'd everybody go? smiley - huh

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 296


Still trying to work on my assignment. Checking in every now and then though. Assume Aeryn's still sitting in the corner immersed in a book. Ignoring Sharp smiley - erm I'll try to check in more often

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 297


[Sharp]: "I found a little 'auto-winch' mechanical device..."
"In town...(yes, junk salvaging again smiley - blush)"
*shows it*
"Really useful/smiley - cool for when/if you have a chain/grappler."
There are some straps on one side of it (for attachment-as to an arm guard (?)).

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 298


: Oh. I think the others...are offline. smiley - laugh.

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 299


[Sharp]: "Well, then, here goes... I'm off ta go an' fight sommore zombies...and any other smiley - monster unfortunate to smiley - cross my path."
*Loads a small-rocket onto his scythe's attachment.*
*Fills a satchel w/15 classic round-type small bombs.*
*takes it w/him.*
*gets a fatsmiley - book of matches (there're several, in a particular drawer), that he almost smiley - doh forgot*

"Rx & Bombardier"

Post 300


[Herb]: (To Aeryn): *does a smiley - skull-grin*
"He (Sharp),-hasn't been causing too much trouble 'round here-hashe?"
*smiley - laughs.*

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