h2g2 Post 31.01.02
Created | Updated Feb 10, 2002
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The Post scores a century! Conveniently coinciding with the 'Rupert' Meet in London last Saturday, The Post finally reaches its 100th edition. To celebrate these two events the Team (following a suggestion by Frankie Roberto... who was duly strangled by shazz on Friday) pulled out all the stops and went into print. There were quite a few surprised faces at the Meet when Pastey and Shazz started handing them out during the evening. So, some of you may well have already read some, but by no means all, of this rather bulky issue! We are pleased to report that it appeared to be quite well received and there are one or two pictures showing h2g2ers actually reading it at the meet... there again they could have been using it to hide their tiredness after the Photo Scavenger Hunt so brilliantly organised by Abi. Amazingly, the most popular part was the back page; blank apart from one word 'Autographs'. Next week we will bring you reports from h2gers who risked life and limb to join the fun of the Meet and should also have the results of the Scavenger Hunt for you. Remember that you have until the end of next month to submit pictures to the current Emoticon Competition, but should be sending those Valentines Day messages, poems and smileys to arrive no later than the 12th February. | |
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